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"Hey." Sam walks into the library where Dean and Ophelia are. "Have you seen the, um..." Dean tosses him a bottle of pills. "Ah. Yeah. Thanks."

"Yeah, bottoms up." Dean says.

"What's with the bag?" Sam asks.

"You remember Top Notch Wrestling?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. Those, uh, wrestling shows dad took us to when we were kids." Sam recalls.

"Right. Came across an obituary last night. Larry "The Hangman" Lee died." Dean informs.

"Oh, no. Wasn't he, uh..."

"He was dad's favorite. Anytime that noose would come out, dad would be on his feet. It was one of the few times I ever saw him actually happy."

"Yeah, I remember that."

"So your father was the happiest when he saw basically attempted murder that was put into a stupid sport where muscular guys beat the crap out of each other? Yeah, no, that's... that's totally healthy." Ophelia sarcastically states, leaving.

She goes into the kitchen and gets a soda.

"Hey." Nathan walks in.

"Do you like wrestling?" She asks.

"What?" He asks, getting a soda out of the fridge.

"Do you like wrestling? Like, watching it?" Ophelia asks.

"Uh... no, not really." Nathan shakes his head.

"Really?" She asks.

"Yeah, really. I don't know. Guys beating each other up just never really, uh really ever appealed to me." Nathan says, shrugging.

"You have more reasons to become my favorite person each and every day." Ophelia says making Nathan blush.


The brothers dragged the three teens to the funeral, the five walking into the funeral home, it full of other people.

"Dude, check it out. It's "The Scream" Casey Lyons." Dean says.

"Oh, yeah." Sam nods.

"There's "Wrecking Ball" Calhoon. Wow. The Brooklyn Beast?" Dean looks around.

"What happened to 'em? They're all... broken." Sam says.

"Well, I mean, we are at a funeral. And they're no longer, you know, 20 something year olds, as you would remember them." Ophelia states.

"Dude. Dude! Gunnar freakin' Lawless." Dean says.

"Groupie much?" Sam joeks.

"Shut up. Should I go say hi? I should go say hi. I'm gonna go say hi." Dean walks over to Gunnar, Sam also drifting away from the teens.


The brothers dragged the teens to a memorial wrestling match they were having that night. Dean sits down in the aisle seat, Sam next to him, then Libby, then Ophelia and Nathan.

The brothers have beer, the teens each having soda and they're sharing a popcorn.

"I'm bored." Libby says.

"You and me both." Ophelia says.

"Are you ready?" Rio yells, announcing the match.

"You know, I remember the Top Notch shows being grander, you know? Top notch." Sam says.

"Yeah. Well, you drink enough, it'll be just like old times." Dean says. Rio gets out of the ring, smiling and waving at Sam. "Rio?" Dean asks his brother. "You dog."

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