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Cas is pacing outside of the hospital as the Impala approaches. Nathan is out of the car before Dean even parks.

"Jesus, kid." Dean grumbles.

"It's his sister, Dean." Sam says.

"Is she okay?" Nathan asks Cas.

"I, uh... I think so." Cas answers.

"You think so?" Nathan asks as the four Winchesters get out of the Impala and walk over. "What do you mean, you think so?"

"Thanks for coming." Cas says.

"Yeah, of course." Sam says.

"Hello?" Nathan waves his arms around.

"Cas, look, we're always glad to help, but Claire and I aren't exactly on the best of terms. I mean, should I even be here?" Dean asks.

"I need help from all of you. You were both troubled teens. Ophelia is a troubled teen. Libby is... well, she will be a troubled teen. She's a troubled child. You speak her language." Cas says.

"Hey, yo, so do I." Nathan says. "Is she okay?"

"I-I haven't gone in yet. I was waiting for backup." Cas admits.

"Backup?" Dean asks. "Four men and three ladies. Let's do this."

They walk through the hospital, getting to Claire's room, Nathan the first one in.

"You okay?" He asks his sister.

"What are you doing here?" Claire asks Cas. "And why the hell did you bring him?" She asks, looking at Dean.

"Awesome." Dean mutters sarcastically.

"Um, the... the police found my number in your emergency contact list." Cas says.

"He's your emergency contact and I'm not?" Nathan asks.

"Yeah, well... that was a mistake." Claire says. "And you are on the list." She tells Nathan.

"Claire... why were you at a bar?" Cas asks.

"I wasn't." Claire says.

"Claire, what were you doing in an alley outside of a bar?" Sam asks.

"Wrong place, wrong time. Story of my life." Claire says.

"Look, we're not leaving until you tell us what the hell really happened. So if you want us gone... talk." Sam says.

"I was looking for my mom." Claire states. "I wanna find my mom and tell her she ruined my life."

"That's the only reason? Why didn't you tell me?" Nathan asks.

"Your mom didn't--" Cas starts.

"She left us, and so did our dad." Claire states, motioning between her and Nathan. "But Jimmy's gone, right? Has it easy up in Heaven. So... mom's the only one left I can tell off since Nathan didn't leave or anything."

"When's the last anybody heard from your mom?" Sam asks.

"Um... when we were living with our grandmother, she used to send postcards." Claire says, taking a package out of her bag. "This is the last one." She hands the postcard to Sam. "We got it just before our grandma died. Three years ago. Nobody's heard from her since. It was sent from a motel here in town."

"That's where I've been crashing. I was at Susie's bar looking for a loser named Ronnie Cartwright. Mom's diary said she was gonna meet him around the time she disappeared. Before he knocked me down, he remembered her name. He knows something."

"Why was Amelia looking for him?" Cas asks.

"She went looking for miracles. She went looking for you." Claire states.

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