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"You're doing it wrong!"

Ophelia huffs, rolling her eyes at her father's complaint. She looks over her shoulder and up at the green eyed man.

"Dad, I know how to fix up the Impala." Ophelia says.

"Apparently not the correct way." Dean argues.

"You can only fix a car in so many ways." Ophelia says, standing up.

"Yeah, and you're doing it the wrong way." Dean states making Ophelia roll her eyes.

"I know what I'm doing. Stop hovering, please." Ophelia tells him. She bends back over the car and resumes working on it. She's only doing it for a few minutes before Dean interrupts.

"Nope. No. Wrong." Dean says, grabbing the tool and shoving her out of the way, working on it himself.

Ophelia huffs a laugh out, resting her hand on the car, resting her weight against it.

"You're absolutely ridiculous." Ophelia states.

"I'm not letting you screw up my baby." Dean says.

"I'm your baby!" She retorts.

"And she's my other one." Dean declares.

"Oh, my God." She rolls her eyes, sighing in exasperation. "I'm done. You have fun, enjoy your precious girl. Reminder -- I'm putting you in a nursing home."


They get to the high school where there might be a case and Dean pulls into a parking spot.

"Yeah, of course." Sam says to the person he's talking to on the phone. "Yeah, I certainly appreciate it. You got it. Thanks, officer." He hangs up, him and Dean getting out.

"Let's go, you two." Dean opening the back door.

"Why?" Libby asks.

"It's good to get out and stretch your legs." Dean says. The girls look to Sam confused.

"I don't know. Just come on." Sam says. The girls get out of the car, Dean ruffling their hair as they get out, Ophelia swatting at his hand.

"So, the last place Ms. Chandler was seen by anyone was in the auditorium. Turns out she's the drama teacher." Sam says.

"Ugh, theater kids. Great." Dean groans.

"What? I was a theater kid." Sam says.

"Barely. You did Our Town, which was cool. But then, you did that crappy musical." Dean recalls.

"The-- Oklahoma? Hugh Jackman got cast off of Oklahoma." Sam says.

"You ran tech, Wolverine." Dean says making Ophelia quietly laugh.

"Shut up." Sam tells him, the girls laughing.

They go into the auditorium, glancing around, the principal leaving them be.

"You idjits!" A teenager girl, who seems to be dressed like Bobby, practices. "You idjits." She tries again. "You are idjits."

"Hey, assbutt!" They turn to see a girl dressed like Cas holding a fake Molotov cocktail. "Hey! Assbutt!"

A piano starts playing, a girl on stage starting to sing.

'John and Mary, husband and wife
Bringing home a brand new life
His name is Sammy,
I'm big brother, Dean.'

"Please don't tell me this is what I think it is." Ophelia quietly says.

'The perfect family, or so it seems.
The demon's visits had begun
He believed Sam was the chosen one
It burned my brother,
And it cursed my brother
Leaving us in tears'

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