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"Sam!" Ophelia jumps awake at her father's scream. She gets up and rushes out of her room, barging into her father's room that's a few doors down. "No. No! No! No! No. No!"

Ophelia's heart breaks as she watches her father have a nightmare. A body crashes into her from behind, the girl looking back to see Sam.

Dean continues to mumble and Ophelia sees his right hand clenching in a fist. Ophelia tries to go over, but Sam holds her arm back.

"I don't know, Oph." Sam whispers.

Ophelia rips her arm out of her uncle's grasp and goes to her dad's bed.

"Dad?" She whispers. Dean's eyes slightly open, spotting his brother in the doorway. Ophelia puts her hand in Dean's left hand, looking at him worriedly.

Despite the embarrassment Dean feels from Ophelia seeing him like this, knowing a kid shouldn't have to comfort their parent, he still grips her hand back.

Sam leaves, knowing Ophelia's taking care of Dean, his own worry still consuming him.

"Dad?" Ophelia asks.

"Just... just go back to bed, Ophi." Dean quietly tells her.

"You okay?" She asks.

"I'm fine. Go to bed." Dean says. He lets go of her hand, gently pushing it away. Ophelia sighs, staring at her dad who closes his eyes. Ophelia pulls the blanket back and gets under it, lying down.

"What are you doing?" Dean asks.

"You didn't say whose bed to go to." Ophelia retorts.

"Go to your bed." Dean says.

"Nope. Should've put the "your" in your first demand. I'm staying here." Ophelia states.


"I can literally feel that you don't want to be alone, dad. So just accept this, would you?" Ophelia says. She holds her hand out, gently flicking it to the side, the door shutting.

"I wish I could do that." Dean mumbles.

"Yeah... mind powers do have their perks." Ophelia smiles. She wraps Dean's arm around her shoulders, her head resting on his chest.

"Thank you." Dean quietly says after a few moments of playing with her hair.

"Dads need comforting, too." Ophelia mumbles, closing her eyes to fall back asleep. Dean tightens his hold around her, kissing her head.


Sam and the kids are sitting in the library, Sam on the phone and he has his laptop open.

"Yeah. Yeah, okay, just, um... just be there." Sam says, noticing Dean walk in. "Yeah. Gotta go." He hangs up. "Hey. How did you sleep?"

"Like a drunk baby. What do we got?" Dean asks.

"Uh, nothing." Sam says.

"Really?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, I mean, uh, no weird deaths, no demon signs. There's a Kitsune working some truck stops outside of Boise, but Rudy's on it, so..." Sam says.

"All right. So, uh, snow day. I say we get drunk and shoot crap." Dean says.

"Yeah, except we do that every day." Sam says.

"Hey, I wouldn't mind getting drunk." Nathan says.

"No." The brothers state, the boy's shoulders slumping.

"Actually, I was thinking about seeing a movie." Sam says.

"Yeah, that could be cool." Dean says.

"It's a French movie." Sam says.

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