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The five are in the bunker and all researching. Dean is sitting at one of the tables, the teens at the other table. Sam is sitting in a chair and has his feet resting in a different chair, sitting close to a bookshelf.

"How's it going over there?" Sam asks.

"Same." Dean says.

"Ditto." Ophelia says

"Yep." Nathan mutters.

"Nada." Libby states.

"And you, anything?" Dean asks his brother.

"Yeah, I... I think so." Sam says.

"Yeah? On Amara, Lucifer, Hand of God?" Dean asks.

"No, no, it's a... it's a case. Werewolves, looks like. Um... a pattern of missing campers, five in the last three months." Sam says.

"So they got lost." Dean says.

"Well, that's what the rangers though, too. Until a couple of days ago, when they found a body..."

"Let me guess -- minus a heart?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. Now, they're calling it an animal attack, but..."

"All right, well, we make a call and we put somebody on it."

"Yeah, but..." Sam sighs, shutting his laptop. "We'll get him back."

"How?" Dean asks.

"I-- I don't know. But we'll figure it out. Meantime, we got to get out of here. Clear our heads. I mean, this is a case. Let's do what we do. Let's work." Sam says.

"I agree with him. I'm about to tear my hair out." Ophelia says.

"I thought you loved researching." Libby counters.

"Not with zero breaks for days on end." Ophelia says.

"Oh." Libby mutters. "I vote with daddy's idea. And I hate researching, so, uh, I'll go pack my bag." She rushes off.


They found three of the werewolves in a cabin deep in the woods. One werewolf throws Sam into a table, it breaking into pieces, Sam landing on the floor. Sam aims his gun at him, but the werewolf kicks it out his hand. He goes to slam his foot on Sam's chest, but Sam rolls out of the way.

Dean ducks out of the way of the werewolf he's fighting and lunges at him, but the werewolf grabs his arm.

Ophelia and Nathan are fighting a third werewolf. Ophelia roundhouse kicks the werewolf, knocking it down a bit. Nathan punches him a few times before the werewolf gets the upper hand, tossing the boy into a bookshelf, Nathan crashing to the floor.

Libby stays by the two victims that are handcuffed with their arms above their head, the woman barely awake.

"Miss? Can you hear me?" Libby quietly asks, not wanting a werewolf's attention on her. "Miss?" The woman doesn't reply to Libby, barely conscious.

The werewolf fighting Dean throws Dean into a glass cabinet. Sam shoves his werewolf to the ground, only for it to bounce back to its feet, hitting Sam.

Ophelia gets a few punches at her werewolf in, Nathan quickly coming up and hitting the werewolf. Ophelia lunges at the werewolf with the knife, but he catches her wrist. Before he tries to do anything, they all hear a gunshot and turn to see Sam fall to his knees.

Ophelia's eyes widen slightly, horror in her eyes. Dean rushes over and kills the werewolf that shot Sam.

"No!" Libby screams.

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