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The four are in the library and Sam and the girls are sitting down while Dean paces, trying to call Crowley.

"Come on, Crowley. Pick up! Where the hell is he? It's not like he's got a social life." Dean says.

"Uh, are you actually worried?" Sam asks.

"Aww. Best friend Deanie is worried for his bestie Crowley the demon." Ophelia mockingly coos. She earns a glare from Dean and an amused smile from Sam.

"Guy's got one job -- find the First Blade, bring it back. How hard is that?" Dean asks.

"It's Crowley. He's not exactly a team player." Sam says.

"Yeah, but his ass is on the line, too. He goes missing for weeks on end without a peep? Well, not one that makes sense, anyway. Listen to this." Dean says. He sets his phone on the table and plays a voicemail.

"Dean. Um..." Crowley rambles incoherently.

"Wait a second. Did he... drunk dial you?" Sam asks.

"Maybe your friendship really is unrequited." Ophelia says.

"Come on." Dean grumbles, calling the demon again.


They're at a crossroads and Sam buries the container of ritual items as Dean finishes spray painting a devil's trap.

"All right, do it." Dean says. Sam recites something and a demon appears, them looking to find Snooki.

"Winchesters." She says, her eyes red.

"I-is that, uh...?" Sam tries to ask.

"Well, that explains a lot." Dean says.

"Okay, uh, look... Snooki -- can I call you Snooki?" Sam asks.

"No. It's Nicole now." She states.

"Okay, then. Nicole... we can do this one of two ways. The easy way -- you talk. Or the easier way..." Sam takes out the demon knife. "You still talk."

"I vote for number two." Dean says.

"We just want some basic information on Crowley. That's it." Sam says.

"Google him. Are we done?" She asks. Sam advances towarsd her. "Whoa! Not the face! Are you crazy? Listen, guys, what happens in Hell stays in Hell. I got nothin'."

"But you do have a pretty sweet deal with Crowley in charge. If Abaddon wins, you can kiss all that goodbye." Dean says.

"All the fancy cars, book deals." Sam says.

"Show biz can be tough." Dean says.

"I'm doing fine. Thanks." Snooki says.

"Oh. Well, good luck landing your next gig inside a devil's trap." Dean says.

"What do you want to know?" Snooki asks, sighing.

"Where is Crowley?" Sam asks.

"Last time I heard, he was somewhere in the western Pacific." Snooki states.

"Makes sense." Sam says.

"really? Floating around in the ocean while his kingdom goes up in flames?" Snooki asks.

"Meaning?" Dean asks.

"Hell's gettin' crazy. Even the loyalists want to sign on with Abaddon. She's gonna make her move. Are we done? I got a thing." Snooki says. Sam starts to recite an exorcism. "Seriously? An exorcism? We had a deal!"

"See ya, Snooks." Dean smirks.


They're in Crowley's place since he called Dean for help. Crowley walks in and has a paper bag. He stops when he sees the Winchesters.

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