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It's been about a week since the werewolf case, the Winchesters staying at the bunker while Sam and Ophelia healed. Sam and Dean went on a case, the three teenagers staying back. Ophelia and Nathan used that as a perfect time to go on the date that they planned.

They haven't told anybody about their confession of feelings or the fact that they're more than friends. They want at least one good week before Dean attempts to murder the poor boy.

Nathan and Ophelia head to the garage, being stopped by Libby who passes them.

"Where are you guys going?" She asks.

"Uh... oh, um, we're... we're just going to get some food." Ophelia says. It isn't a lie. The two did plan dinner and mini golf.

"Can I go?" Libby asks.

"No." Both teens answer immediately making Libby frown.

"Um... we're just-- we kind of wanted to do it together... alone." Ophelia says.

"Yeah." Nathan nods.

"Why?" Libby asks.

The two older ones awkwardly glance between each other and Libby.

"You know, I think we can tell her. She seems the most trustworthy." Nathan mutters.

"Yeah, okay. Well, Libs, um..." Ophelia tries to think of how to say it. While she does so, Nathan grabs her hand, intertwining their fingers -- which Libby notices.

"Oh, my God. Wait, you guys are dating?!" Libby asks. They both smile and nod. "Finally!" She yells. "Jeez, watching you two try to not stare and practically drool over each other. It got so tiring. I thought you were never gonna admit anything.

"We weren't that bad." Nathan argues.

"No, no, you really were. Both of you." Libby counters. "It's about damn time, though."

"Do not tell either of our dads. We will when we're ready." Ophelia states.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep your overprotective father in the dark. I got it." Libby says.

"And yours. He would totally tell dad." Ophelia says.

"Mmm, I don't know. This family's pretty good at secrets." Libby says.

"Elizabeth." Ophelia gives her a look.

"Okay, okay, lips are completely sealed." Libby says, walking away.

"Shall we?" Nathan asks, dramatically motioning to the garage door and bowing.

"We shall." Ophelia smiles, grabbing his hand and dragging him with her.


They finished their meals and both got milkshakes, Ophelia also ordering a plate of fries.

"Why do you need fries?" Nathan asks.

"To dip in the milkshake." Ophelia states.

"You do that?" Nathan asks and Ophelia nods. "Really? Dude, gross."

"It is not gross." Ophelia argues. "It's salty and it's sweet. Perfect combo."

"It's disgusting." Nathan insists.

"Have you ever tried it before?" She asks.

"No." Nathan answers.

"So how can you be judging it?" Ophelia asks.

"Because it's disgusting." Nathan says.

"Here you go." The waitress comes up with the milkshakes and fries.

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