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Sam and Ophelia walk into Dean's room, the man sitting on the floor with his back against his bed, a giant book in his hands.

"Hey." Sam greets.

"Hey." Dean says. Ophelia offers him a smile, him managing to give her half of one before turning his attention back to the book in hand.

"Caught a case." Sam says, holding the tablet out to Dean. "Apparently something is taking people." Dean takes the tablet as Ophelia sits by him, facing him and crossing her legs. "And leaving their clothes."

"Hmm. About time this gig got an "R" rating." Dean says. Ophelia lightly rolls her eyes as Sam scoffs. "All right. Why don't you go check it out? I'll hold down the fort." He says, holding the tablet out to Sam.

"Dean, you haven't left the bunker in a week." Sam says.

"And?" Dean asks, putting the tablet in Ophelia's lap once he realizes Sam isn't going to take it.

"And you can't just live the rest of your life locked up in this room." Sam says.

"I don't know. I got three hots and a cot. Could be worse." Dean says.

"Look, I know you're worried about the mark." Sam says.

"Yes, Sam. I am. Between what I did to Ophi and Charlie--"

"Charlie forgave you. Ophelia forgave you. Right?" He asks his niece.

"Yeah." Ophelia nods.

"How about you forgive yourself?" Sam suggests.

"Because I'm not exactly batting 1,000 here, you know?" Dean says.

"Yeah, I do know that, but staying locked up in here, sitting on the ground reading the same lore books over and over and over again, it's not helping you. You need to get back in the game for your own good. You can beat this, Dean."

"Do you really believe that?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, you're damn right I believe that." Sam says.

"You know, you also believed in the Easter Bunny till you were 12."

"No I didn't." Sam says, pausing. "Look, I was 11."

"And a half." Dean adds.

"And a half. Right." Sam sighs. "So?"

"Please." Ophelia quietly says, looking up at her dad with puppy dog eyes. Dean stares at her for a few moments, wishing it was easier to say no to her.

"Okay." He relents.

Ophelia grins and leans over, kissing Dean on the cheek, before rushing out of the room.

"She's still not sitting in the backseat with the boy." Dean says.

"The boy has a name, Dean." Sam states.

"Don't care." Dean says.

"They're friends, Dean."

"Unh-unh. No. The way he looks at her -- not friendly. It's all lovey dovey and crap. It's disgusting." Dean states.

"Look, even if they have feelings for each other or something, it's not like they'd try to kiss or do anything... inappropriate or something." Sam says.

"Ew. Ew. Stop." Dean grimaces.

"You're the one bringing it up." Sam retorts. "Besides, Libby will be back there. Trust me, she'll suck all of Nathan's attention up with a game or-or Narnia or something."


Sam, Dean, and Ophelia are outside of the bar where the last victim disappeared from. Libby and Nathan are at the motel, Dean absolutely refusing to leave Ophelia and Nathan in a motel room with zero adult supervision -- Libby's promise to watch after them not comforting him.

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