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Ever since getting back to the bunker, Ophelia has been ridden to her bed -- at least until they can get Cas back to normal so he can heal her. Dean managed to find a pair of crutches and leave them with her, just in case she needs to get around and nobody else is there to help her.

Ophelia is currently resting against her headboards, pillows cushioning it for her, as she looks for something to watch on Netflix. She's in comfy clothes, a pair of pajama pants and a long sleeve shirt.

There's a knock on her door and she calls out, letting the person know they can enter. The door opens and Nathan walks in with two pizza boxes and two soda bottles. He holds them up for her, a bright smile on his face.

Ophelia lets out an excited noise, a just as excited smile on her face. After saying she was hungry, Sam and Nathan went out to get food, Sam agreeing to get her pizza when she had asked.

"You guys are back!" She cheers, watching him place the pizza boxes down next to her.

"Yep." Nathan opens the box of her pizza for her.

"Oh, I have never been happier to see pizza." Ophelia says, taking a slice and biting into it.

"Here." Nathan unscrews the bottle of soda for her, putting it on her nightstand.

"Thank you. You and Uncle Sam are officially my favorite people." Ophelia says making Nathan chuckle.

"So food is the way to win over your love, huh?" Nathan smiles a little.

"Basically." Ophelia nods.

Nathan sits at the end of the bed and opens his own pizza box and soda.

"You wanna watch a movie with me?" Ophelia asks.

"What movie?" Nathan asks.

"Grown Ups."

"Ooh, I love that movie." Nathan says. He gets up and sits next to her, careful to avoid her leg and arm.


The brothers and Libby are sitting at one table in the library, Cas sitting at the other.

"So that was the last of the neighbors, just like the rest." Sam says before realizing that Dean's spaced out. "Dean? Dean?"

"Yeah." Dean says, knocked out of his trance.

"You okay?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." Dean says.

"Just saying we got nothing. No one saw anything unusual going on at the house the day the baby disappeared." Sam says.

"If this is truly the darkness we're  talking about, it's more of a time bomb than a baby." Cas says.

"Yeah, but it is still a baby, right? I mean, the darkness I saw was an adult. So it still has to, uh, grow up." Dean says.

"Well, it obviously isn't a baby if it walked out of the house. I mean, babies can't walk, right? Last I checked." Libby says.

"Well, technically, at a point they can. You know, after learning how to walk." Sam says. "So..."

"Never mind." Libby says.

"The Darkness is almost infinite power. I'm not sure what "growing up" means in this case." Cas says.

"Well, God kicked this thing's ass once before, right?" Sam asks.

"Okay, but, do we look like God to you?" Libby remarks. Sam opens his mouth to say something, but isn't really sure how to respond to her comment.

"Yeah, it'd be nice if he put down the Mai Tai and show up for work." Dean says.

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