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Ophelia walks into the library, putting a sandwich next to Sam's laptop. It's been six weeks since Dean's death and none of them have been taking it very well. Dean's body disappeared and Sam informed the girls he tried to summon Crowley to make a deal or something, but Dean's body was gone by time Sam got out of the dungeon.

Sam has been a restless search for the two ever since, barely sleeping or eating. His right arm is now in a sling, having hurt it when dealing with a demon.

Libby's shut down, as usual. She rarely talks or eats or even comes out of her room. Ophelia has attempted to get her to take a walk outside, but the young girl refuses to do anything.

Ophelia has once again, reverted back into the parent role. Hiding her grief so she can take care of Sam and Libby. She hates that it's her default. She's tired of it. She wants to openly feel her own emotions, if she would only let herself do so.

She misses her dad more than anything. She wanted to begin the grieving process, but the news of his body being gone from his room complicated that idea. Part of her just wants to let Crowley keep using her dad's body as a meatsuit for a demon because Sam's hunt for them is exhausting her even more.

"You should eat." Ophelia says quietly. She starts to leave, stopping at her uncle's voice.

"Don't you want to help?" He asks. "I-I mean, if you help, we might find him sooner."

"No. No, I don't want to help." Ophelia says, turning back to her uncle. "I don't want to find my father's corpse that's possessed by a demon and have to exorcise him in order to burn him."

"We're not gonna burn him. We're gonna exorcise him and then get him back somehow." Sam says making Ophelia scoff.

"What? You make a deal? So Libby can lose her dad -- again -- in one to ten years?" Ophelia questions. "Yeah. Perfect plan. I don't-- I don't have the energy to deal with this crap anymore. I'm... I'm tired. I'm tired of you guys dying and being the one who steps up when somebody dies."

"Oph, your dad--"

"Is dead. He's dead. And I want him alive, I do, but I can't go down a bunch of dead ends in order to get there. It'd just hurt more. So you stick to your wild goose chase and I'll continue to be the caregiver for you guys."

"Ophi, come on. When we find him--"

"You mean if we find him? No demons are talking, no matter how much torture you put them through. Nothing you're doing is working. It's just draining you and making you go crazy! And it's draining me to watch you practically kill yourself over this. Plus, having to take care of Libby when she's back in her depressed state like every other time somebody dies."

"Fine. You don't wanna help. Don't help." Sam says.

"Well, at least I'm taking care of your daughter." Ophelia bites. "You know what? I'm... I'm done. I'm done caring about you guys, I'm done pushing my feelings back to be there for you. I'm done taking care of you and putting myself last. Because none of you appreciate it! The only one who appreciates anything I do is an eleven year old!"

"So you keep your hunt going, I'll keep being there for your kid, and I am going to express any emotion I want. I am done doing crap that... that makes me feel like crap." Ophelia says, walking over to the table, and grabbing the plate with the sandwich.

"My sandwich now." Ophelia says, taking a bite into the sandwich. She grimaces in disgust, forgetting about the fact that she doesn't like almost anything Sam puts on his sandwiches. "It's the wild animals' sandwich now." She says, heading for the door.


"I'm done, Uncle Sam!" Ophelia calls back, heading up the stairs and outside.


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