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Ophelia's face scrunches up as a blaring noise hits her ears, waking her up. She groans quietly, opening her eyes to look around, and realizes the noise is the Impala's horn blaring. She finds herself alone and after a second the horn stops blaring. The hood of the Impala shuts to reveal Sam. He sees her awake and opens the door, leaning down to talk to her.

"Where's dad?" Ophelia asks.

"I don't-- I don't know. I'm gonna go find him. Don't go anywhere." Sam tells her, shutting the door and setting off on the look for Dean.

"Right... because I can totally go for a walk." Ophelia sarcastically remarks to herself, motioning to her broken leg.

Ophelia does her best to not use her broken arm, using her good leg and arm to move herself around.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow." Ophelia mutters as she lifts her broken leg onto the seat. She whines, resting her back against the passenger door, taking a few deep breaths to keep herself relaxed.

Ophelia shuts her eyes and silently prays to Cas, telling him she's hurt and where they are. Opening her eyes, she waits for a few moments, no angel appearing.

"Damn it." Ophelia whispers. Her head lightly thumps against the window, the girl forced to sit with her injuries.

After a little while, she sees her father and uncle returning to the car. They stop several feet away and are talking before Dean continues to walk to the Impala.

"Does she even know what a cheeseburger is?" Dean asks, making Ophelia confused as to who they're talking about. "All I know is that we set her free, and we're gonna put her back in, no matter what it takes." Dean states. He gets in the car. "What the..." He gets out, looking at the back tire that's still in a water filled pothole.

"Just gonna let me get in the car?" Dean asks.

"You were on a roll." Sam shrugs making Ophelia giggle.

Despite the slight annoyance at his brother and the tire, Dean relaxes a bit at hearing his daughter's laughter.


"Don't!" Crowley orders as Cas charges at him. As Cas goes to swing the blade down, Crowley grabs his wrist. "You think you can kill me? You execrable--" Cas knocks Crowley to the ground and stabs him in the back with the angel blade.

Libby screams, hugging Nathan, who is just confused why Crowley didn't flicker like demons usually do when they get screamed.

At her scream, Cas turns around to look at the two, Nathan's eyes widening.

"Crap." The teenager whispers. Cas takes the blade out of Crowley, slowly going for the younger ones. "Okay, uh... Cas. Cas, it's Nathan. Come on, you know me. Ya know, vessel's son. And Libby."

Cas still marches towards them. When he gets closer, Nathan pushes Libby aside and punches the angel.

"Oh-- ow!" Nathan shakes his hand out. "What the hell?" Cas keeps going for him. "Libby, run!"

"But what about you?" She asks.

"I'll be there! Run!" Nathan shouts.

Libby runs out of the building, leaving Nathan with Cas. The angel swings at the boy who ducks and uppercuts him, kicking his stomach.

Nathan sees a pipe and quickly grabs it. Cas is about to stab him when Nathan swings the pipe at Cas' head, hitting him a few more times with the pipe until Cas is down.

"Sorry, dude." Nathan breathes heavily, watching Cas start to get up. Nathan runs out of the building, finding Libby just outside the door. "Come on." He grabs her hand, the two running into the woods.

Running Up That Hill Δ SPN [2]Where stories live. Discover now