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The Winchesters and Nathan return to the bunker, having gone shopping, and nobody wanted the three teens anywhere near Lucifer without Sam or Dean around.

"Hey, how's it goin' in here?" Sam asks as the group walk down the stairs.

"Listen, I know I've been gone for awhile." Chuck tells Lucifer as the brothers put the groceries on the table. "I've missed a few... million birthdays--"

"Yeah, and the second your apes send a distress flare -- boom! -- daddy's home." Lucifer says.

Sam keeps an arm around Libby's shoulders, wanting to be prepared in case Lucifer tries anything.

"That's not what happened." Chuck argues.

"Hey, these apes saved your ass." Dean snaps.

Lucifer glares at him and snaps his fingers. Sam, Dean, and Ophelia all flinch. Sam's grip on Libby tightens. Ophelia's hand shoots out, finding Nathan's arm, the boy quickly holding her hand.

"He can't hurt you." Chuck says after they realize none of them are hurt.

"Oh, so you're controlling me now!" Lucifer exclaims.

"It's just a safeguard." Chuck tells him.

"Hey, guys? Uh, Chuck? Lucifer... uh, Dean... think we can try and focus here? Y'know, end of the world, common enemy, all that?"

"Enemy of my enemy is my friend." Lucifer states, standing up and standing in front of Chuck, towering over him given he's a step up. "Team Amara. Go Amara."

"You don't mean that." Chuck says.

"You're really not gonna say it?" Lucifer questions. The two look at each other for a few moments.

"He's not gonna say what?" Sam asks.

"Screw you." Lucifer tells Chuck. "Screw all of you." He addresses the whole room. He storms out, shoving his way between the brothers.

"Kids, huh?" Chuck asks before leaving.

"We're not that bad." Libby mumbles.

"No. No, you're not." Sam agrees.

"Well, in all fairness, ranking fathers, our are definitely above God." Ophelia comments.


Lucifer has locked himself away in Sam's room, blaring rock music. The brothers and two older teenagers are standing outside of it and Sam bangs on the door.

"Lucifer! Y'know, sometime you're gonna have to come out and... talk to... God." Sam loudly says.

"It's like the worst episode of Full House ever." Dean comments. The music stops.

"If dad has something to say to me, I'll hear it from him! Until then, I'll be in my room!" Lucifer yells.

"It--" Sam starts as the music starts up again, but louder.

"It's not your room." Dean says.

"It's my room." Sam says, banging on the door.

"Whatever." Dean mutters.

The music suddenly stops. It stays off for a moment before it turns back on. It turns off again, turning back on. It turns off again, turning back on.

"What the hell is happening?" Dean asks. Sam points at Ophelia who is staring at the door. "You couldn't do that sooner?" He asks his daughter.

Ophelia shrugs, turning the music back off. The door opens and an angry Lucifer steps out.

"Would you stop it?!" He yells, getting in her face. Ophelia doesn't let her fear show through, reminding herself that he can't hurt her. The three guys straighten up, watching the scene cautiously, ready to jump in if something happens.

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