017. WAKE UP

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Ophelia is in the library when Cas and Sam return from locking Dean in the dungeon.

"Is he okay?" Ophelia asks. Sam gives her a look and she knows it's not the greatest question.

"Sam." Cas says as Sam puts the first blade in a box.

"Yeah?" Sam asks.

"Dean... wasn't wrong. My followers have abandoned us." Cas says.

"Yeah, and Gadreel says he can help us. From where I sit, that's more than an even trade." Sam says. They look over to where they left Gadreel was, finding him gone.

"Where'd he go?" Sam asks his niece.

"I-I don't know. I-- I left when you guys did. I was panicking, I didn't wanna have a panic attack in front of the angel." Ophelia says.

"It's okay. Not your fault. Go find Libby and check on her. Make sure she's okay." Sam says and Ophelia nods, rushing off. Ophelia rushes to Libby's room, heart dropping when she doesn't find the girl.

"Libby?" Ophelia calls. She looks under the bed and any possible hiding places. "No, no, no." She goes to Sam's room, hoping to find her there, but doesn't. She goes to Dean's room, still not finding her. Ophelia rushes into her own room, finding Libby on her bed.

"Oh, thank God." Ophelia sighs in relief, all of the worry leaving her. "Libs, next time you wanna hide, hide in your room, please?"

"Sorry." Libby mumbles. "Is Uncle Deanie okay?"

"Uncle Sam and Cas put him in the dungeon. Gadreel's missing, your dad wanted me to make sure you were okay." Ophelia says. She gets her phone out, texting Sam to inform him that Libby's safe.


The girls walk into the library just as Sam, Cas, and Gadreel walk in.

"Oh, no." Sam rushes to the now empty box that used to hold the first blade.

"What's the smell?" Gadreel asks.

"Sulfur." Sam states.

~ ~ ~

"Dean, pick up the phone. Call me back. I'm not kidding, all right? Don't do this. Not like this." Sam says, hanging up.

"Are you sure it was Crowley?" Cas asks.

"Who else would he summon? I mean, he and Crowley have been bromancing over the blade ever since Dean got the mark." Sam says.

"The mark?" Gadreel asks.

"The Mark of Cain." Cas says.

"So that's what Dean cut me with -- the first blade. In a way, that could be useful." Gadreel says.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Well, Metatron is more powerful than ever, but if Dean has the first blade and the mark, that might give us our best chance." Gadreel says.

"You're joking, right? An hour ago, we were ready to throw Dean into a padded cell, and now you say he's our best chance?" Sam ask.s

"Hear him out, Sam." Cas says.

"Oh, right. Excuse me. Sorry, guys. UH, sorry I'm a little less than eager to hear that our best chance is--is arming the warhead and hoping it hits the mark. This is not a bomb we're talking about. This is my brother."

"And your brother would not be in this alone. We can help." Gadreel states.

"How?" Sam asks.

"I believe Metatron has found a way to tap into the angel tablet, harnessing its power to give him powers equivalent to--"

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