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Sam and Ophelia are sitting in the kitchen and Dean walks in.

"Morning." The oldest gruffly greets. He takes some Chinese leftovers out of the fridge, putting it in his mouth.

"Is that a hickey?" Sam questions as Dean spits the food back out.

"And? It was Valentine's Day. I can't help it if I'm a hopeless romantic." Dean says.

"Gross." Ophelia whispers.

"You got half of that right." Sam says.

"Just doing my civic duty. Helping all the single ladies. You know the best part about February 14th? You don't have to be Mr. Right -- just Mr. Right Now." Dean says.

"Classy." Sam remarks.

"You're a pig." Ophelia tells her father.

"Yeah, and what'd you two do, judge and judgy two? Sam, you curl up in your snuggie, watch 50 Shades on cable? And, Oph, you... uh, you..."

"Nathan and I confessed feelings and then had mind-blowing sex." Ophelia says with a straight face.

"Ew!" Sam grimaces.

"You-- you what?!" Dean yells.

"I'm joking." Ophelia grins. "See? Not so fun hearing about a family member's sex life, is it?"

"Ugh. God. Never do that again." Dean orders.

"Check this out. Stacy Altman, 19 year old babysitter from Hudson, Ohio, was murdered last night." Sam informs.

"Oh, that blows. But if her name's not Amara, how is that us?" Dean asks.

"Because her heart was ripped out." Sam states.

"On Valentine's Day? What, is that like an ironic werewolf?" Dean asks. "Alright, we'll check it out. But first, I need bacon."

"No. First, you need a shower." Sam corrects.

"Definitely." Ophelia agrees.

"Is it--" Dean sniffs his armpits, making a face. "You're not wrong."

"Yeah." Sam mutters as Dean leaves.

"You and-- you were joking, right? About you and Nathan?" Sam asks his niece. "Cause I support you two, but I don't need to hear anything that, uh... that happens."

"Don't worry, Uncle Sammy, my virginity is still intact." Ophelia assures. "And whenever I do lose it, trust me, you and dad are the last people I'm telling."


Sam is sitting on the couch in the motel and the kids are on the bed and watching a movie on the iPad.

"Yo." Sam greets as Dean walks in.

"Hey. Find anything?" Dean asks.

"Yeah -- jack. Absolutely nothing points to werewolf." Sam says.

"Well. Step aside, Urkel." Dean says, holding up a memory card. He puts it in Sam's laptop. "It was Dan that stole the nanny cam."

"Why?" Sam asks. Dean gives him a look. "He was schtupping the sitter."

"He was what?" Libby asks.

"It must be old man talk for "sleeping with."" Ophelia says.

"Hey!" The brother exclaim.

"Wait a second." Sam says, watching the video. "I thought Dan was at dinner with Melissa."

"That's not Dan." Dean states.

"Shapeshifter." Sam realizes after pausing the video at a certain moment.

"Bingo." Dean says.


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