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Dean and Ophelia walk into the library with their bags, seeing Sam and Libby sitting at one of the tables.

"All right. We'll be back." Dean states.

"Wait. Where you headed?" Sam asks.

"Washington. I caught a case." Dean informs.

"You want me to come with?" Sam asks.

"Do you want to come?"

"On a hunt? Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know, man. Cause lately with you, up is down and down is sideways, you know? I-I-- I don't know what you want." Dean says making Sam glare at him. "Okay. You want in ? Fine. Sure thing." He pulls a paper out of his jacket, giving it to Sam. "Photo leaked from the crime scene. Girl was murdered in her room, doors were locked, the windows were locked."

"Who's the wallflower?" Sam asks, looking at the figure in the back of the teen girl's selfie.

"Exactly." Dean says. "Best guess -- ghost caught on film. So, you're coming?" Dean asks.

"Does it look like I'm staying?" Sam asks, shutting his laptop.


The four walk outside a diner, coming across a large white van that has Ghostfacers written across the side of it.

"Son of a bitch." Dean grumbles.

"These guys haven't died yet?" Ophelia questions.

They go into the diner, quickly finding the booth that Ed and Harry are sitting in. Libby and Sam sit next to Harry, Ophelia and Dean sitting next to Ed.

"Ah, the Winchesters. Yay." Harry says.

"Says nobody." Ed says.

"Ever." Harry says.

"Oh, the Ghostfacers!" Ophelia pretends to be excited.

"Says nobody." Libby continues.

"Ever." Ophelia finishes.

"All right, shut up and listen. This is how it's gonna go. You two clowns are gonna get into that mystery machine outside, and you're gonna leave town or I'm gonna put holes in your knees." Dean threatens. Ed and Harry roll their eyes.

"Can I get you guys anything? Something, uh..." The waiter trails off, looking between the Winchesters.

"Uh, we're ready for the bill." Dean says.

"Hey. There's still crud on this plate. Now, hit the sinks and do it right." The boss tells the waiter.

"Sorry, Trey." The waiter says, walking away.

"Ahh, first of all, you guys don't scare us." Harry says.

"Not at all." Ed agrees.

"Say "hola" to my little pistola." Harry says, lifting his shirt to reveal a gun in his waistband.

"Am I supposed to be impressed with that treasure trail or the lady gun you got hiding in your, uh, pants there?" Dean asks.

"Uh.. both?" Harry says. "Look, whether you like it or not, we are handling this situation."

"Yup." Ed nods.

"Really?" Dean asks.

"Mm-hmm." Ed nods.

"Cause I see a couple of fame whores who are pointing their camera at a mom who just lost her kid." Dean says.

"Guys, we are investigators, and we have every right--'

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