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"There's only one thing you could possibly do for me that I can't, at least presently, do for myself." Rowena states. "Kill my son. He's expecting it from me. Already has his stinking minions on high alert. And if you're wondering how a mother can get to the point of wanting her own son--"

"No, I'm really not. I'll do it. I'll kill Crowley." Sam states. "First things first -- can you read the book?"

"Of course I can. I'm likely the only witch alive who can understand such old, dark magic. Just not in its present form." Rowena says.

"Drink's on me." Sam says, closing the lockbox.

"Hey, you're not going anywhere, pal. I'm your mortal enemy. I've tried to kill you and your family -- your brother as recently as last month. You wouldn't have come to me if I wasn't your last resort. You're desperate. You can stop pretending you're not."

Sam's phone rings and he takes it out.

"So rude." Rowena mumbles as Sam reads his text. "Now, I can't read the book in its present form, but there is someone who could. Nadya. Grand Coven witch."

"Where do I find her?" Sam asks.

"You don't. She's dead. Long ago. Murdered for her life's work. Her decryption formulas, her codex... that you can find. Bring me Nadya's codex, and I'll... break this text right open and give you your cure." Rowena says.

"Where do I Look?" Sam asks.

"If I were you, I'd start at home. Who do you think murdered Nadya and stole the codex in the first place?" Rowena questions.

"The Men of Letters." Sam says.


They get to where Dean texted Sam that he was taking out a vamps nest. They get there seeing Dean covered with some blood and a beer can in hand.

"Dean!" Sam calls, him and Ophelia rushing up with machetes in their hands.

"Hey." Dean greets.

"Hey. What happened? What is this?" Sam asks.

"I know, right? Six vamps. Solo. I think that's gotta be a personal best." Dean says.

"You couldn't have waited?"

"For what?"

"For what?"

"Oh, come on, man. I can handle it. I did handle it."

"What if you couldn't?"

"But I did. It's done. Come on, man. It's the only way I can take the edge off. I'm sorry. I don't always like to wait around for you, especially with you looking at me like that all the time."

"Look at you like what?"

"Like that. Like I'm some sort of a-a-a diseased killer puppy. You know what, man? I'm sweaty and I'm covered in vamp juice. Can we just talk about this later? I'd like to get back to the bunker, get my buzz on, and, uh, you know, pass out watching Speed 2: Cruise Control. We cool?"

"Cool." Sam mumbles as Dean is walking away.


After finding a lead, Sam, Ophelia, and Nathan are in Sam's car and they're parked outside of a white house. Sam and Ophelia go up, Nathan asleep in the backseat.

Sam goes to pick the lock when a shotgun is shoved through the mail slot and aimed right at his crotch.

"Whoa!" Sam exclaims.

"Bad idea." A woman's voice sounds from behind the door.

"I-I can explain." Sam says.

"Yeah, don't bother. You got three choices -- get arrested, get your bits blown off, or get back." The woman orders.

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