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The Winchesters are by the lake, Sam and Dean sitting in chairs while the girls lie down on a blanket.

"Hey, something I need to ask you." Dean tells his brother.

"Shoot." Sam says.

"You've been... kicked, bit, scratched, stabbed, possessed, killed... and you sprain your friggin' elbow?" Dean asks.

"Dude, it was more than a sprain, all right? And it was a friggin demon, but--"

"What?" Dean asks, cutting Sam off. "That sling come with a slice of crybaby pie on the side? Please." The two slightly laugh, the girls not paying much attention to their conversation.

"How you doing?" Sam asks, concern in his voice.

"Golden, man." Dean says.

"Come on." Sam urges.

"Seriously, I'm good. I am. You know, we got... three more cases of this stuff on ice in the trunk. Taking some 'we time'... best decision we ever made." Dean says.

"Hear that." The two clink their beer bottles. "Oph, was he lying?"

"Really?" Dean gives his brother a bitch face.

"50/50. Though he wants to say something that we're gonna be hesitant about or not like." Ophelia says.

"Thank you, Ophelia. Really appreciate it." Dean deadpans.

"Anytime." She smiles.

"So...?" Sam trails off questioningly.

"See that thing in the paper this morning?" Dean asks and Sam huffs.

"Maybe it was an animal kill." Sam suggests.

"It was three kills, and it was in the same town, all within the last month." Dean says.

"Yeah, you're right. We should call some guys, have 'em fix it." Sam says.

"Good. Smart." Dean nods.

"Done." Sam says.

"And he's going in--" Ophelia points to her dad as he starts talking.

"Or... we could be in and out." Dean says. "It's a milk run."

"Right, because that happens... ever." Sam says.

"Look, Sam, what we're doing here, it's good, okay? You and me and the girls hanging out. But I need to work... I need this." Dean says.

"If things go sideways... I mean, like, an inch, you gotta give me the heads up. I will get your emotions and lies from Ophelia." Sam says.

"Done. You got my word." Dean says, grabbing his chair and rushing to the Impala.


It's nighttime and they pull up to an old farm. Libby stays in the Impala, getting woken up and given a few things for protection. The other three get out, the brothers having their guns out.

"Ghosts don't shred people like that." Sam says.

"Yeah, well... this flea bag, looks like she ain't done chowing down on Sons of Anarchy just yet." Dean says.

"Guess she likes bad boys." Sam says.

"Well, wait'll she gets a load of us." Dean grins.

The three turn their flashlights on, the boys' guns at the ready, and they walk to a barn. Sam circles around back, Dean and Ophelia going in the front. They pass several dead chickens which makes Ophelia quietly gag.

They get to the door where deep scratches are across the surface. Dean goes in and scans the area before motioning for Ophelia to follow him. They hear a low voice and they turn their flashlights off, Dean aiming his gun at the person.

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