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"Check on him." Dean tells Sam who goes to Chuck.

"Hey. Chuck?" Sam kneels next to him.

"You guys okay?" Dean asks the teens, checking them for any injuries.

"Yeah. Yeah, we're good." Ophelia assures. Dean puts his hand on her head for a few seconds before going over to Cas' unconscious form.

"Dean." Cas realizes, waking up.

"Cas? Hey, is that you?" Dean asks.

"Hey, can you hear me?" Sam asks Chuck.

Nathan gets up and helps both of the girls up.

"Lucifer is gone. Amara ripped him from my body." Cas informs.

"To where?" Dean asks.

"I don't know." Cas says as Dean helps him up.

"Are you, uh... H-how do you feel?" Sam asks Chuck who groans in pain.

"You know when you're driving and a bug hits your windshield? I'm the bug." Chuck says.

"So, what Amara said about you..." Sam says.

"Dying. Yeah, whatever she did to me, I can feel my spark, my light fading. And when it's gone--"

"Okay, well, t-tell us how to fix you." Dean says.

"You can't. I-I-I suppose she could, maybe, but that's never gonna happen." Chuck says.

They hear a door slam and footsteps and Dean aims his gun at the entrance, everybody waiting for the person to appear. Sam is helping Chuck stay on his feet. Rowena walks in.

"So that was a gun in your pocket." Rowena says.

"Well... that was a complete and utter dog's breakfast, wasn't it?" Crowley asks.

"I didn't know dogs had breakfast." Cas says.

"Cas is back." Dean explains.

"Really?" Libby smiles. Dean nods and Libby wastes no time in hugging the angel.

"Just curious -- has anyone bothered to look outside?" Rowena asks.

They all go outside and up at the sky. The sun is burning brightly and the sky is a bright red/orange color, looking like it's on fire.

"What is it?" Dean asks.

"It looks like the sun is--"

"Dying." Cas says, cutting Sam off.

"Why would Amara do that?" Sam asks.

"The sun is the source of all life on earth. Without it, everything just... just wastes away." Cas says.

"Let's get the hell out of here." Dean says.

Chuck snaps his fingers and they're all in the bunker.

"You." Crowley says.

"Still got a few tricks up my sleeve. I'm not dead y--" Chuck pulls away from Sam, only to lean back on him.

"Oh, whoa. Okay. I got you." Sam says.

"I should probably sit down." Chuck says.

"Yeah. Come on." Sam gets him to sit in a chair. "All right. Okay."

"What do we do now?" Cas asks.

Dean pauses before going to the kitchen. His family, Nathan, and Cas follow him. They watch him take a six pack of beer out of the fridge and twist the top off one of the bottles, taking a long drink.

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