031. KHAN WORM 2.0

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Ophelia, Nathan, and Libby are sitting outside in the Impala. Sam and Dean are in the house of the killer's friend. Nathan and Libby are playing the hand slap game while Ophelia changes the radio stations, looking for one she's in the mood for.

A Jeep pulls up across the street and Ophelia watches the person getting out, seeing it's Cole.

"Oh, hell no." Ophelia mutters, quickly climbing out of the car.

"Who's that?" Nathan asks.

"That's Cole. He kidnapped me, daddy, and Ophi and tried to kill Uncle Dean two different times." Libby explains.

"Oh. Fun." Nathan sarcastically mumbles. He watches Cole round to the passenger door where Ophelia stands.

"Hey, Ophi." Cole greets.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asks.

"What, that a way to greet somebody?" Cole asks.

"What the hell are you doing here? Answer before I kill you." Ophelia says.

"Jemma and Kit are my friends. I'm here for them, not you guys." Cole tells her.

After a few minutes, Sam and Dean are walking out of the house, finding Cole and Ophelia by the car.

"Back away from my child." Dean orders.

"Recognized your wheels." Cole says.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Dean asks.

"Jemma called me in. I've known Kit since we were military brats raisin' hell on the same base. He's a good man." Cole says.

"Well, no one's saying he's not." Dean says.

"Oh, really, now? So, what are you guys, uh, here for Jemma's sweet tea? You want to tell me why you're really here?" Cole asks.

"We're working a case." Sam says.

"Oh, Kit's case?" Cole asks.

"Honestly, we're not sure yet, but, um, it's looking like it." Sam says.

"Mm. Says you." Cole says.

"There's a murder-suicide in town. Your buddy Kit? Same unit as the killer. Same whacked-out antics. So..." Dean trails off.

"Look, we're not going anywhere, all right? And if you care about your buddy, you'll let us handle this." Sam says.

"Mm. Nah, I think I'm gonna be coming with you." Cole says.

"The hell you are." Dean and Ophelia state in unison.

"It's a little scary how alike they are sometimes." Nathan tells Libby, the two watching the scene from the backseat.

"She's practically a clone." Libby agrees. "Well... she does like reading, he doesn't."

"I got contacts. I can help." Cole says.

"You really can't." Dean argues.

"For example, a friend of mine works military intelligence... owes me a favor." Cole says.

"Would he know what Rick and Kit's mission was?" Sam asks.

"Sure. And he'd tell me all about it." Cole says.

"Okay, fine." Dean relents.

"Oh, come on." Ophelia protests.

"Ophi, just... accept it." Dean says making her roll her eyes.

"It ain't fine. You know, I figure what's going on here... I stick to y'all like flies on roadkill, make sure my buddy comes home in one piece." Cole says. "Look, I know what you three are thinking, but we are not gonna hunt my best friend, who happens to be a friggin' war hero, by the way. We are gonna find him. And that's the difference."

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