Northwest Reputation

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It was cold and rainy outside but Pacifica Northwest and her family couldn't be warmer. The grand fireplace was crackling, the butlers and maids were milling about, and the Northwests were daintily eating the grilled salmon set before them. Pacifica was miserable, and only she and her parents knew the reason why.


Pacifica had just opened up the gates of the Northwest Manor to appease a vengeful ghost who was haunting them. The guests were returned to normal after being turned to solid wood, even Dipper was back! Pacifica wanted to go over there, hug him, and tell him thank you for seeing the good in her. Before she got a chance the ghost of the vengeful lumberjack came and spoke to her. "Thank you Pacifica, you truly are not like the other Northwests. I feel...lumber justice."

The ghost vanished, leaving behind the ax that had been buried in his head. Pacifica smiled, but it was brief as she then heard rumbling from outside and soon her front door burst open and the townspeople flooded in. At first Pacifica didn't know what to do or feel, it wasn't often that regular people were in the Northwest Manor especially on their annual party.

Soon enough Pacifica began to smile again. She had done it. She had broken the curse! But soon the elation died down when she began to realize some ugly truths in the matter. One, the townspeople will never be allowed back in again due to her parents; two, she had broken the biggest rule that was enforced by the Northwest name; and three, her parents were going to be pissed when they get a hold of her.

Pacifica walked to the middle of the ballroom floor, wondering how she'll explain what she did to her parents. She was standing in the middle of the floor when Dipper ran over to her. "You did it Pacifica you saved everyone!" Dipper exclaimed happily. Pacifica could only stare down at the floor. Dipper noticed this and exclaimed "Man if your parents hate you after this then their crazy!" Dipper had this awkward grin on his face. Pacifica looked up at him and crossed her arms. "Yeah well you better enjoy it, my parents will probably just lock out everybody next year." Pacifica said dejectedly.

Dipper was now frowning, he knew she was right of course there was no way of changing the minds of her parents. Dipper looked down and noticed something. "Hey, look what we're standing on." Dipper said. Pacifica looked down to see that she and Dipper were walking on her parents' favorite carpet with their muddy shoes. At first she was horrified, but then she smirked deviously. Then Pacifica Northwest, heir to the name Northwest, star-child, was firmly grinding mud into her parents' favorite carpet while Dipper tipped a tray of ale over. Pacifica and Dipper were then laughing madly, and Pacifica looked up to see the boy who helped her even though she was and had been a jerk to him and his sister. She genuinely smiled at the happy thought and at him.

When they stopped laughing Pacifica confessed that she had to go find someone to clean up the carpet. As she was walking away she heard Old Man McGucket come over and start babbling nonsense at Dipper so she didn't pay too much attention. She had nearly crossed the length of the dance floor when she ran into the back of who else but her father. "Pacifica Elise Northwest!" Mr. Northwest whisper-shouted. He looked like a tomato with bulging veins, his fists clenched so tight that his knuckles turned white. "My office, NOW!" he whispered in his most threatening tone.

When she and her dad arrived, Pacifica noticed that her mother was already in the room furiously tapping her foot. Pacifica's father locked the door and then stared at her with a mix of disappointment and utter rage. "Disobeying me," Pacifica's father began saying. "Disregarding our rules, ruining our carpets, and soiling the Northwest name by hanging out with the riff raff!" Pacifica's father was now bellowing but nobody would have heard him. Mr. Northwest had made sure long ago that his office was near sound proof so he could never be disturbed from his work. "You have become more of a problem than you're worth!" Mr. Northwest spoke with venom in his voice.

All the while Mrs. Northwest was standing to the side, trying not lose her temper. Pacifica's mother could care less about the Northwest name or about Pacifica in general but she couldn't ignore the mess being made on her carpets. "How have you become so unruly," Mr. Northwest began "that you would defy me like this?" He leaned hard over his heavy oak desk, his jaw locked in concentration. Pacifica looked down, for fear of giving away anything to her father. "Those Pines brats." He said in realization. "Ever since that golfing nonsense with those two you've changed, and not for the better." Mr. Northwest said with a sort of resonance.

Pacifica was shaking. She knew full well what her father was capable of and of what lengths he'll go to get his way. "No this has nothing to do with them, leave them alone!" Pacifica said in vain trying not to make the Pines family the target of her father's wrath. "I'm offering you a choice Pacifica," Mr. Northwest said steely, not caring what Pacifica was saying "Either you sever all connections to the Pines family and return to being our obedient child, or I'll personally remove them from Gravity Falls, then ship you to reform school in England." Mr. Northwest's face was now only a few inches from Pacifica's. "So, what will it be young lady?"

*End of Flashback*

That had been a week ago and Pacifica was still stalling for time. She didn't want to end whatever frail friendship she had with Dipper and Mabel Pines, but she also didn't want them to have to leave Gravity Falls, especially not Dipper. Pacifica bowed her head in defeat, she knew she couldn't sweet talk her way out of this one. Who knows, maybe she'll see Dipper and Mabel around town through the darkened windows of her limo. "Alright you win," Pacifica said aloud, she was crying now "I'll go tell them to stay away if that'll make you happy!" Pacifica banged her fist on the table making the silver and glassware shake, all while glaring at her cold hearted father. He looked up in mock sympathy. "Yes, I believe it will."

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