My Sweet Northwest Child

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Pacifica was heartbroken, her eyes swimming from crying so hard. When she saw Dipper kissing that conniving little bitch she was certain of two things; one, there is no true love, that only happens in fairy tales; and two, sometimes the most evil people out there just happen to be the ones closest to you. She had run the entire length back home, not even minding the bruises and blisters on her feet from the heels, and ran into her room and locked the door so no one could get in. "Pacifica, where are you, what happened?!?" Pacifica heard Rosie call out. Soon she also heard more voices. "Hey Paz, you in here?" came a masculine but still boyish voice that Pacifica identified as Luke from the many times they talked over Skype. Then she heard another female voice which she knew to be Mystia from all the videos she posted.

Pacifica was in no mood to talk to anyone, she just wanted to be left alone. She laid her head back on her pillow, not caring that she was dirtying it with her runny eyeliner. "Why...what did I do to deserve this?" She asked herself in a choking sort of whisper. Pacifica knew that Dipper had said he loved her, he admitted it to her on multiple occasions. "But he was under the influence of a truth stone, does it even count?" "Yes, that's why it was called a truth stone!" The hopeful part of her brain kept saying, but Pacifica wasn't listening.

Suddenly she heard something hit the floor with an audible thud! Pacifica looked down and noticed her diary had fallen out of its holding compartment. "Damn, again?" Pacifica fumed, picking up the book. She looked at the cover, a childish looking thing with fuzzy stickers, sparkle glue, and an old signature that Pacifica had done in pen when she was about 6 years old. Ironically, she never wrote in it because she wasn't that great at writing as she was now.

Pacifica looked inside, scanning over the innerworkings of her mind. She looked at one passage, detailing the time she had earned her first black belt at the age of 13.

Date: March 12, 2014

I was breathing heavily, and I'd be lying if I said I I hadn't broken a sweat. My opponent, some South American girl, was all that stood between me and the Brazilian Jujitsu black belt. She had a couple point lead on me and I was already sporting a black eye and multiple bruises. She advanced with a quick right handed jab to my stomach that I managed to easily counter by pushing it away to get in close. It then ball my fist and slam it into her stomach. She keels over and the ref calls the move fair and adds another two points on my score. We're now all came down to these last few seconds.

She attacks with multiple jabs to points on my body that felt numb and ready to fall off from the beatings. She then, seemingly out of anger, threw a punch at my face. It was against the rules but it seemed like she didn't care anymore. But before her first made contact I had this strange rush of energy and euphoria, and I managed to GRAB HER FIST IN MIDAIR! I remember me saying something along the lines of, "Uh uh uh, that's against the rules!" And then I fucking FLIPPED HER OVER MY SHOULDERS AND SLAMMED HER FLAT ON HER BACK! She was declared the loser on the grounds of fair sportsmanship because I didn't want her to get in too much trouble.

Pacifica liked that entry, and strangely enough that girl was an old friend from way back when before her parents forbid they saw each other ever again. It was amazing that Pacifica hadn't recognized her while they were fighting but then that might have caused her to lose. They managed to catch up for awhile over coffee at a local Starbucks before Pacifica had to go home again, thus once again leaving behind her best friend.

Pacifica then flipped to the most recent entry, her tear stained confession on her feelings for Dipper. Pacifica then got red with fury and hurled the book across the room. She heard a loud CRACK! and then a thud of the book falling on the floor. Pacifica looked over and saw a large crack in the wall and immediately winced. "Well that's going to be a story to explain someday." Pacifica said aloud.

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