My Hero

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"You saved me?!?" Mabel asked astonished.

Gideon Gleeful started chuckling in a maniacal fashion. "My lovely Mabel, did you not think the love of your life would come to save your sweet little ol' face?" He asked in his classic southern voice, making Mabel shudder with disgust.

"Look Gideon thanks for saving me from a crazy rich guy killing me but you're still delusional if you think that you're the love of my life!" Mabel said angrily, though Gideon didn't seem hurt more so than he just looked at Mabel like she was stupid. "My dear, sweet Mabel Pines, you don't have a choice in the matter." Gideon said and held up a bottle of glowing liquid, which made Candy yelp with fear.

"You wouldn't, it'll KILL her!" Candy yelled at the still smiling Gideon. "Don't you think I know that? The human body is such a weak thing but miss Giffany has proven that a soul can be transferred to a stronger body, one that won't age, one that won't die!" He said.

"What are you talking about, I have no soul." Giffany said, prompting a tsking motion from Gideon. "It's no wonder Bill never told you the truth, you're about as perceptive as a rock. Good thing you won't have to worry about it anymore!" Gideon said ominously. "You know what kid, I've had about enough of you and your loud mouth. BLAST HIM!" Wendy called out. Everyone raised their weapons but Gideon only smiled that much more creepily, "You'd raise weapons against an unarmed child? I don't know whether to be disgusted or flattered."

"Fire!" Wendy yelled and everyone shot a couple rounds at Gideon... which he only laughed.

It was almost instantaneous but just as fast as the bullets came they disintegrated before every making contact with Gideon. He brushed some imaginary dust off of his shoulder, everyone was shocked at what just took place. "Y'all aren't very nice are you?" He asked them started laughing sadistically. "How the hell did you do that?!?" Dipper asked, fear now present in his voice, "We destroyed your psychic gem a long time ago!"

"But that's just it Dipper Pines, you did destroy my old gem. You have to understand that having the most powerful dream demon as your business partner has its...perks." Gideon explained. His gem started to glow along with his eyes, "I am invincible, and y'all are nothing but in my way!" He roared.

He raised his right hand and produced a blue flame from his palm. He thrusts it towards the team as a wall of kinetic energy is released towards the team and they are thrown against the adjacent wall. Boards, glass, and pieces of furniture were shattered by the altercation. "Now, my sweet Mabel, do you see the power I weild?!? Join me and we will rule over these ignorant chimps!" Gideon stuck his hand out in gesture to Mabel.

"Oh grow up Gideon!" Dipper yelled in disgust. He grabbed his knife and and charged Gideon, angry fire in his eyes. "Do really think you have what it takes to kill me boy?!?" Gideon yelled. Once Dipper got close he began slashing, stabbing, and punching furiously to try and and make contact with the deranged psychic. But no matter how hard her tried he couldn't hit him, then Dipper raised the knife and brought it down on Gideon's head.

Only for him to catch it by the blade.

"Did you really think that would work, boy?" He asked calmly. Dipper went white as Gideon balled a fist and slammed it into his head, knocking him backwards and releasing his grip on the knife. Dipper laid on his back, blood trickling from his nose. "There's no way I can beat him, that gem just makes him too strong!" Dipper's mind raced, he knew this was the end of him.

Gideon began twirling the knife in his hands, laughing as if he was just told the punchline to a joke. "It's been fun Dipper, heck we could've even been friends and there would have been no need for all this violence. But you got in the way of too many of my plans, and for that you will die!" Gideon kneeled down and gripped the knife, preparing to bring it down on the fallen Dipper Pines.

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