A Date to Remember

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Dipper and Wendy had just left the mall. Armed with new clothes, fancy picnic supplies, and dating smarts, Wendy was determined to make Dipper's date as amazing as a picnic date can be for a rich blonde girl. Dipper had tried to tell Wendy that  none of this stuff was needed, saying it would throw off his simplistic date plan.

"Seriously Wendy why can't I just take Pacifica on a simple date?" Dipper asked for the millionth time, knowing he'll get the same answer. "Listen Dip, as nice as a picnic in the woods with some turkey sandwiches sounds it won't cut it for Pacifica. She's not used to simple stuff like we are, she's been pampered and waited on hand and foot since she was a baby. If you're going to have a chance of impressing her then you're going to need to be on your A-game and that includes some fanciness on your part, sorry dude." Wendy stated matter of factly.

Dipper groaned in defiance but knew better than to refuse Wendy's help. The two loaded up the cart and were headed back to the Mystery Shack. When they arrived Dipper went to get out but Wendy put a hand on his shoulder. "Nu-uh, this isn't your stop." Wendy said, then proceeded to get out and grab hold of all the bags and boxes of bought items. She then looked at Dipper with a serious yet reassuring look.

"Look Dip, it's time to man up. We may have bought you some new clothes and prepared a perfect date but now you need to do some heavy lifting." Dipper wasn't liking where this was going. "I knew for a while that you had a crush on me but never had the guts to tell me,but now you need the guts to tell Pacifica, without the use of a Truth Stone."  "Uhh, what are you saying Wendy?" Dipper was now getting really nervous, beads of sweat were coming down his forehead.

Wendy looked at the boy who everyone, even himself at times, thought of as weak and scared. He looked like he had just been asked to take on the world with nothing but his wit. But Wendy saw that one glimmer in his eye, knowing that while he may be scared, he was excited. "I'm saying that it's time to go get your Juliet." Wendy said, handing him the keys to the cart. Dipper looked down at the keys, then looked back up to see Wendy already on the porch of the shack. "Take her to the clearing by the fake tree at 7:30, and don't be late!" Wendy called to Dipper before heading inside with the supplies.

Dipper sat there in shock for a total of ten seconds before checking his watch, it read a quarter to 6. "Oh shit I gotta go!" Dipper cursed, then immediately chastised himself for cursing. He put the key in the ignition and sped off towards Northwest Manor, one part of him in dread, the other in excitement.

6:50 pm

Dipper was outside the gate of the one place he truly wasn't happy to see again, the residence of the family Northwest. He knew that going in the front door wasn't an option so he had parked the cart in the town so no-one would become suspicious, and walked up the hill. "There must be someway inside, at least onto the property?" Dipper pondered before recalling something he read about the Northwests.

Some ancestor, as a child, had created a secret passage through the wall of the property so he could go exploring on his own. One day he got a concussion while playing on some rocks and his cries were heard by the staff, who came rushing out to help the poor Northwest boy. After healing he told his parents about the secret passage but due to the brain damage couldn't recall where it was. The only clue was a piece of paper saying, "The wind will tell you." But after so long of looking they gave up.

Dipper knew that finding this passage could be his only way in, the trouble was finding it. "The wind will tell you..." Dipper repeated, wondering what in Earth that could mean. "Maybe I just need to search the walls before I can feel a breeze?" Dipper wondered, putting his hand on the wall and started to feel for any breezes. He stuck to the shadows, hoping that there were no stray maids wondering about. He went along the wall, desperately seeking something that might not even be there. When he got to the back of the property he noticed a moderate gust of wind blowing, seemingly colder than on any other side of the property. As Dipper continued walking the wind became colder and colder before Dipper began to feel like he was freezing.

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