Diary of Northwest Love

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June 27, 2015

Dear Diary,

This is usually about the time I start telling you how great my day has been and how wonderful my life is. I mean, who wouldn't want to be the richest kid in Gravity Falls, waited on hand and foot by dozens of maids and butlers at a time? Certainly sounds like the perfect life. Well it's not!

I just had to give up the best friendship I've ever had, however frail it was, and the one boy that I can't seem to get out of my head, all to appease my stupid parents and their stupid reputation of this hellish curse of the Northwest name. For so long I thought that I was leading the good life so long as I did what my parents told me to do, say what they told me to say, and be who they wanted me to be. I became this nightmarish, stuck-up, stereotype of a girl who drove away everyone who could actually give a damn about her, just perfect.

I just wish for once I could be in control of my own life and not be subjected to the image I've made for myself. Finding that secret room behind the painting has given me a fresh perspective on what it meant to be a Northwest. Lying, cheating, stealing, and what's worse is that we've let good people die for us so we could save our own skins and take the easy way out! Dad says that our family is respected and held to a reputation that I've only now figured out why. They fear us. They hate us.

But not the Pines twins. They saw good in me, even when I couldn't see it and what really gets to me is that I'll never be able to properly thank them for seeing it. In the aftermath of the party I told my two lackeys to take a hike. I couldn't actually remember their names because they only hanged around because I was rich, just shows how good I was at picking friends. They, of course, left in a huffy and dramatic fashion to go back to whatever rat hole they crawled out of, which was fine by me.

I just wish that I could go back and tell Dipper and Mabel how sorry I was for everything. For how I treated them for so long. Especially Mabel, who I ridiculed so much I'm surprised I hadn't permanently demoralized her, and for that I can be thankful for. But Dipper, I just want nothing more than to be next to him. I want to hear his adorably awkward voice reassure me that I'm better than my parents. I want to be able to cry on his shoulder when the weight of my family's sins comes crashing down. I want him to wrap his arms around me when the rest of the world shuns me. I just want him to be there when I need him.

But in the end I made the ultimate choice of either dooming us or saving us. If only he knew the truth. If only I had the courage to tell him. If only...

Pacifica couldn't write anymore. The tears were blinding her and were starting to wet the pages. She closed her diary and stuffed it into the secret compartment behind her bed. She then laid there sobbing and looking up at her canopy bed top. "Why me?" She asked near silently.

All the while a familiar face watched from the window with an evil smirk on their lips. "All too easy." they said maliciously.

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