Sweet as Candy

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Candy's POV

Today was the day, Candy could feel it. At least, that's what she had been telling herself since she first laid eyes on Dipper Pines. Her heart nearly melted just thinking of him; ever since she and Grenda met Mabel and she introduced them to Dipper she's been wanting to be with him so badly. But since she was really shy she couldn't ask Dipper out so she kept hoping that he would ask her. "Please let it be today." She prayed aloud.

She did her usual morning routine. She first went and had a well balanced breakfast of eggs, toast, orange juice, and a bowl of fruit. Next, she took a short hot shower, because there was never enough hot water to take a longer one and share with her family. And lastly, got dressed in her usual green striped long-sleeved shirt with a knee length gray skirt and some flats to match. She went to the mirror to try and brush out her longer than life hair. Once she was done she looked at herself in the mirror critically, "Maybe if I change my look a little, Dipper will finally pay more attention to me." Candy hoped.

2 hours later

Candy looked about as awkward as she felt, maybe even more so. She had switched out her green striped shirt for a red striped t-shirt, her gray skirt for some Capri jeans (which she wasn't at all comfortable wearing), and decided to leave her gray flats. Candy then started to curl her hair into small ringlets. When she was done she had decided to switch out her oval wire frame glasses for her back-up pair, a small rectangular pair with a plastic black frame. She debated whether or not to put on a little makeup. She decided to just use some light mascara and natural blush.

Candy walked outside her house and breathed in the crisp Oregon air. Even in summer you can feel the cold coming from farther north but not enough that you don't want to barbecue or go swimming. "Bye mother, I'll see you later." Candy told her mother, who was busy in her vegetable garden. "Have a pleasant day Candicine." her mother smiled. Candy looked down and smiled, only get mother can get away with calling her by her real name and everybody else just calls her Candy.

Candy was walking to the Mystery Shack to meet up with Mabel and Grenda. When she got there they decided to do a little shopping at the Pine Tree Mall. They were there for nearly an hour going back and forth between department clothes stores and fabric shops. A little while later they sat down to eat at a Chinese noodle stall which had.a perfect view of the ice cream parlor on the ground floor.

"So, who is he?" Mabel directed the question to Candy, who in turn almost choked on her noodles. "Wh...What do you mean?" Candy asked, surprised at how quickly Mabel caught on. "Candy, for the entire time I and Mabel have known you you've never worn red anything or jeans for that matter. The only explanation is that you're trying to impress a boy." Grenda spoke up. "Is it that obvious?" Candy asked embarrassed. "Just a little bit." Mabel said, sarcastically gesturing with her index finger and thumb.

Candy groaned in frustration. She had been going for the subtle 'is-beautiful-but-doesn't-know-she's-beautiful-look'. "Look if you're trying to impress a boy then you should have come to me to help you, after all I am the match-making extraordinaire," Mabel gestured to herself in a prominent fashion. "So I ask again, who is he?" she questioned in a giddilly manner. Candy bit her lip, "It's Dipper." she said almost as a whisper, but Mabel and Grenda still heard.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" they both squealed loud enough to almost break glass. "I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, YOU DO LIKE HIM!" Mabel exclaimed excitedly. Mabel then hugged Candy really tight, nearly making her lose consciousness. "Can't...breathe," Candy said turning blue. Mabel let go, looking embarrassed. "I always knew you two would be the cutest couple!" she said happily. "Yes but I still don't know how to get his attention." Candy said defeated. She had tried multiple different things to make herself look more appealing to Dipper's tastes but nothing has worked so far.

"Well now's your chance to find out." Grenda said pointing to the ground floor. Candy looked down and almost had a heart attack. Sitting there at the ice cream parlor was the boy she couldn't get out of her head, sitting with the red-head who worked at the Mystery Shack, 'Wendy' Candy thought her name was. "Just go down there and talk to him." Mabel said. "Yeah what's honestly the worst thing that could happen?" Grenda asked reassuringly. "He could run away, change his name and identity, and live under a new alias." Candy said gloomily. "If that happens I'll personally slap some decent sense and manners into him." Mabel winked at her best friend.

Candy looked back when at Dipper who looked like he was getting ready to leave. She knew this might be her best chance at finally figuring out his interests. "Good luck." Mabel and Grenda both said, giving a thumbs up for her. Candy smiled then got up from the table and started down the stairs. "I guess it was either now or never." she decided.

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