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All over the earth, time seems to rush right by and the inhabitants take little of it to appreciate their surroundings. But this was not the case for the crazed program known simply as Giffany.

Soos, Giffany's current love icon, had just thrown the game disc of the crazed program into the fire of a pizza oven, seemingly terminating his love-sick pursuer. But she wasn't destroyed that day, rather she was broken down and scattered throughout the various ports of the internet. Through this process she learned things, some where she never wanted to know.

It took much time and effort but she was able to piece her code back together and reform her shape, but she was changed. Her exploration through various articles and videos gave her a better understanding of human emotions and she now saw how horrible she truly was.

"Dear God, what have I done!" Giffany said, convinced that she was all to blame. She has been alone did what seemed like an eternity and would often talk to herself, for she had no one else to communicate with. "Soos, I just wanted you to love me, that's all I wanted! I never should have tried to hurt you, I should have never tried to force you, but I did anyway, I just wanted you." She rambled on in a trembling fashion.

She had tried to get out, tried to find a way back to Soos, but the vastness of the internet was something she was not willing to traverse again, so she just stayed, and waited, and cried. Soon though she was greeted by what looked like a digital portal with a an odd voice coming through it, it said "Well are you coming out or not?" The voice asked rather impatiently. Giffany was worried that the voice would close the portal so she jumped through, not giving any thought of what would happen next.

When she looked again it was like she was seeing the world in a while new perspective. Everything looked so much more realistic and detailed that Giffany felt like she could touch it. "If you're wondering, yes this is real, and now so are you." Giffany heard the voice and looked up, not expecting to see a floating triangle with a bow tie and top hat. "Wh...where am I?" She asked hesitantly, like a kid in an unfamiliar enviroment.

"Hasn't it become obvious to you yet, you're in the real world!" The triangle said, looking mildly amused at Giffany's confused look. "That's impossible, I can't exist in the physical world, I can't..." but the triangle cut her off. "Just reach out and touch something, like that box over there." The triangle said, pointing to a nearby crate. Giffany walked over and hesitantly put her hand on the crate but instantly took it off. "I...I...can feel it, I can really feel it!" She said with so much surprise that the triangle seemed to be trying hard not to laugh.

"So, you probably have some questions for me, let them fly." The triangle said nonchalantly, making Giffany nervous and oddly cold. "How about who you are, why you brought me to the real world, and why I'm so cold!" Giffany asked now with an unusual amount of both fear and annoyance, partly because she was still really cold. "Alrighty then, getting the big ones out of the way!"The triangle said with enthusiasm, Well first, I am known as Bill Cipher, or as some know the "All Seeing Eye" which isn't exactly false but I just like Bill better; second, I brought you here because you needed an escape and I need help with a little plan of mine involving you're precious Soos; and to answer you're last question just look down." The triangle, Bill, answered calmly.

Giffany was immediately on alert when Bill mentioned Soos, what was his plan and why did it have to involve him? Giffany was thinking this over when she remembered what Bill said and eventually looked down at herself, not prepared for what she saw. She screamed loud enough to nearly crack glass and for good reason, she was completely naked. She had no clothes, robe, or even pixels covering her B-cup breasts or her womanhood. Giffany just stood there petrified, unsure of what to do. She had never come across this problem before mainly due to the fact that since she was created she never had her clothes off.

She then came to her senses and tried to cover herself with her arms and hands. "Sorry about that, I'm just not that great with fashion and I figured that I should let you choose your style because let's face it, the schoolgirl outfit would be poor choice in this world." Bill said, unfazed by Giffany's nudeness. Giffany was about to argue when she remembered a video about a schoolgirl and her face went red.

"Right, so can I have some clothes now?!?" Giffany asked annoyed. "Of course, all you have to do is agree to help me; besides, don't you want to see your precious Soos again?" Bill asked menacingly, knowing that Giffany wouldn't refuse. She didn't need anymore convincing after that, she shook hands with the maniacal triangle and soon blue flames enveloped her. She thought that she should be burning but instead she felt mildly warm.

When the flames died down she saw that she now was wearing a Mickey Mouse t-shirt(PRODUCT ADVERTISEMENT), a faded pair of jeans, and a pair of creme colored flats. Her hair, which had always been the color of bubblegum, was now a golden blonde with only a couple stands of pink, and was now distinctly wavy instead of its usual straight style and her larger than life rainbow bow was now replaced by a smaller black bow.

"So, like the change?" Bill asked, holding a mirror up to the transformed girl. She looked herself up and down and even twirled in excitement, she just couldn't believe that she was now finally an actual girl. "Don't get ahead of yourself, you're not an actual girl more so your a state of the art android with the downloaded consciousness of Giffany." Bill explained, making Giffany stop twirling and frown slightly. "So, I'm still not real?" Giffany asked dejectedly

"No...at least, not yet. I don't have the actual power to transform you into an actual human but help me now with my plan and you can finally be happy with your new life with your darling Soos." Bill said.

*Time skip to the end of "Of Men and Demons"*

Giffany was now looking up at the boy who could be the only thing standing between her and Soos. Bill had told her that this boy, Dipper he said his name was, was the only thing that could actually stop her and possibly send her back permanently into cyberspace. Giffany wasn't about to let this happen and had the perfect plan to bring him down a couple notches.

"Be prepared punk, you're going on a little trip." Giffany said deviously, a look of pure hatred on her face.

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