Enter the Madness

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It really wasn't that hard to find the place. After driving into town they spotted the fortress, a black pyramid, floating just about a hundred feet off the ground. "So...does anyone have any idea how to get up there?" Pacifica asked, looking up at the palace. No sooner had she said that a shiny silver elevator materialised right before them. "Well, that's convenient." Wendy said with surprise. The group walked up to the elevator and tried to open it but it remained shut, a keyhole was present on the front. "This is starting to get a little too obvious, but at least we're making good time." Mystia commented.

They put the key into the elevator and the doors immediately slid open, revealing a very typical elevator interior. They all tried to enter but then an old elevator operator appeared out of nowhere. "Going up?" He asked with a tone almost a bit too happy. "Uh...yes?" Dipper said, unsure of the intentions of the strange man. "Alright then," the operator said cheerfully "all aboard that's going aboard! Next stop, imminent death!"

After they arrived at the top the group went to thank the man only to realize he had disappeared along with the elevator. "I guess this was intended to be a one way trip." Giffany said worriedly. The group then began walking down the first hallway they saw, trying to find the room housing Bill. It felt like they had been walking for hours and yet still couldn't find any indication of the dream demon. "Hey, does anyone know how long we've been up here?" Mark-Anthony asked, he had been feeling woozy since they entered the elevator and felt the ever present urge to make his insides become his outsides.

"I don't know, this place is messing with my watch and my phone." Wendy said irritability and to prove her point, she held up both her watch and phone. "The numbers seem to be changing at random, some are going forward and some backwards." She noted with irritation. "Giffany, can you figure the time?" Dipper asked, earning a rather pointed glare from the android. "I'll have you know I'm basically a military grade super computer that can go from tactical espionage to full on war mech in a matter of seconds, I'm not just a clock!" She said harshly. "But can you put tell me the time?" Dipper asked again impatiently.

Giffany looked down in embarrassment, "No I can not, this place is also messing with my sensors but for some odd reason only the time is being messed with." She said with a couple of taps to her head, trying to rectify the problem. "Never mind that now, we have to find Bill." Candy said, urgency clear in her voice. The group continued onward, stopping momentarily at closed doors to try and peek inside them. Some were empty, some were grotesque, some could only be described as demonic beastiality, and others should never be discussed...EVER!

They were now running down a hallway, trying desperately to find the room with Bill. While running Pacifica noticed an open room that everyone else had sprinted past, an eerie red light shown from the inside. Pacifica stopped in front of the room but did not go in, a nagging feeling of dread warning her against it. The room was empty and spacious enough save for rows of torches on the two adjacent walls, leading to a throne. The throne was a simple golden design with a single spider on the head of the throne with two snakes circling it. "Pacifica what are you doing, we need to go!" Dipper called back to her, and she promptly took off after them.

In the throne room, two red eyes slowly opened, followed then by a third eye on top where the forehead would be. A sadistic female laugh and hissing filled the room.

The group finally got tired and stopped to catch their breath. "How...are we...going to find...this asshole...in this fucking maze?!?" Wendy asked angrily. No sooner had she said that a staircase appeared next to them. "Oh goody, more nonsense!" Wendy exclaimed with irritation. "Do you think it leads to Bill?" Rosie asked but was immediately answered when a sign materialized pointing upstairs reading "This way to Bill Cipher dummies"

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