Chapter 14

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Louis stood in the open doorway of the bedroom and lightly knocked on the wooden frame. Harry turned from the full size mirror and smiled at Louis, trying to gauge Louis' temper by the look on his face but his face gave nothing away.

'Can I come in?' Louis asked him eyeing Harry in his black suit. God he was gorgeous and that bitch was going to enjoy him tonight. Louis felt his anger coil in him like a snake ready to spring. But he knew he had to do this for Harry. He had to 'allow' this for Harry's sake.

'Lou you don't need to ask. This is your bedroom too,' Harry told him. Louis walked in and sat on the bed.

'Are you okay?' Harry asked him. Harry was always so concerned about him. He worried too much. Louis swallowed and forced a smile.

'Yes Harry I'm okay. Will you stop asking me every five seconds?' However, Harry could see that Louis was far from okay and Harry appreciated his effort. Louis kept his eyes on Harry not able to look away. It had been a while since he had last seen Harry in a suit and he couldn't deny that he was sexy as fuck! He wanted to rip it off of him and just take him right there on the floor in the middle of the room. Louis felt his groin tighten. Damn it!

'Armani huh?' Louis told him instead still eyeing his suit. He looked so fucking hot. The dress pants nicely fit down his very long legs perfectly and stopped just over his black boots, black shirt buttoned up to the collar and black jacket with satin lapels. He had a satin sash round his waist. His hair was down hanging on his shoulders in soft curls. Harry smiled awkwardly at him and Louis felt his head swim.

It's not that comfortable. I miss my jeans,' he told him. Louis swallowed. He knew Harry was playing it down so he wouldn't upset him. He grinned at him.

'So an underwear show. She's desperate to get into your pants,' Louis told him, his voice quiet. He mentally scolded himself for saying that to Harry. He was meant to show Harry that he trusted him. Harry could see the immense effort Louis was making not to snap and be angry and yell at him. He walked over to him and sat beside him but Louis kept his gaze on the floor.

'Lou look at me,' Harry told him, his voice deep and gentle. Louis looked up and met Harry's beautiful green eyes.

'The only person I want inside my pants is you. Don't do this to yourself baby. Don't torture yourself with these thoughts. Please I'm never going to belong to anyone else. She can walk around in her underwear all day for all I care. I like your boxers better,' he told him winking at him. Louis kept looking at him, feeling his eyes tear up, a huge lump in his throat. He took Harry's hand in his.

'Remember I loved you first Harry.' Harry flashed him his dimpled smile.

'Lou you are all of my firsts. My first crush, my first love, my first relationship, my first sexual experience, my first happiness. You are my first, my last and all the in between. Just please don't hurt yourself with needless thoughts about me with some girl Modest! hook me up with to hide what we have. It's not worth it baby.' Louis bit his lip because he felt like he was going to cry. It hurt to much to let him go, to know he was out with someone else. He didn't give a fuck if it was fake or not and the thought of Nadine parading in front of him in her underwear was making him crazy jealous. He took in a deep shuddering breath.

'Will you be long?' he asked him. Harry got up off the bed and straightened his suit.

'I don't know. You know how it is with these functions. The before the show drinks, the show then the after show drinks. Don't wait up for me okay. Just rest Lou. And if you want to call or text me just do okay. You might even help distracting me from a boring underwear show that does nothing for me.' He grinned at Louis and Louis gave him a small smile. Harry took one last look in the mirror, pocketed his phone and walked over to Louis again.

'I love you,' he told him as he bent down and placed a soft kiss on his lips. As he was pulling back, Louis grabbed the lapels of his suit jacket, pulled him down and kissed him again. He kissed him as if it were the last time he was seeing, as if Harry was leaving him instead of going to some crappy underwear show to watch his fake girlfriend prance around and satisfy Modest! When he pulled back, he looked into Harry's eyes.

'I love you.' He watched as Harry walked out the bedroom and remained sitting on the bed, looking at the floor till he heard the car start up and drive away. Then the house was silent. He got up and went downstairs and straight into the kitchen. He opened the cupboard and pulled out a bottle of Jamesons. Louis smiled.

'Guess its you and me tonight James!'

When Harry returned it was past 3am! He was worried and a hundred different scenarios had been playing through his head throughout the night. When he saw that he had gotten no text from Louis, he had text him a couple of times but had gotten no reply. During the break, he had called him but his phone had gone straight to voice mail. Harry couldn't help the thoughts that wrecked his mind: was Louis purposely not answering him? Was he angry with him? Did he finally snap? Was he going to fight with him when he got home? Was he upset because he was staying too long out? Harry just wanted to leave this damned show and party and go home to Louis. To his Louis.

Now as he got out of the car and dashed inside, he didn't know what to expect. He went into the kitchen.

'Lou,' he called out but he got no answer. He went out by the pool but Louis wasn't there either. Harry began turning lights off as he made his way upstairs. His heart was ramming against his ribs so fast that it hurt his chest. The landing upstairs was dark as was the corridor. Harry made his way to their bedroom. He pushed the door open. The room was dark, the only light was from two wall scones across the room by the bathroom door. Louis was on the bed, asleep. Harry exhaled and felt himself relax a little. At least there wasn't going to be another yelling match.

He walked over to the bed next to Louis and the toe of his boot hit something. Harry bent down to pick up the object and when he picked it up, it was an almost empty bottle of Jamesons. Harry bit his lip.

'Oh Lou,' he murmured, removing the fringe off Louis' face. That's why he didn't text or answer his phone. Harry looked down at the bottle in his hands. This was Louis' escape from this harsh reality, his way of coping with things he couldn't control. Harry put the bottle on his bedside table and began undressing. Once he was out of that damned suit and in just his boxers he climbed on the bed beside Louis. Louis shifted in his sleep and raised his head a little not opening his eyes.

'Harry?' he slurred.

'I'm here love,' Harry told him as he pulled him to him. Louis curled his knees up against Harry's thighs and buried his face in his chest. Harry wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer.

'Harry...' Louis slurred again.

'I'm here baby,' Harry replied.

'Harry I love you.' Louis never opened his eyes. Harry kissed the top of his head, feeling his heart go out to Louis who had to drown out his misery by drinking himself blind.

'I love you more,' Harry whispered against his hair. He closed his eyes and fell asleep holding tightly to the love of his life who was slowly slipping away from him.

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