Chapter 2, Mornings

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*bark bark bark, panting*
"Hey Maple my lil pumpkin," I cheered as the puppy jumped onto my bed and started licking my chin. "AWHH your so cute."
She sat in a downward dog position at the end of my bed, then rolled over so her fluffy stomach was wedged into the air. I gave her some tummy rubs and tickles and played with her for a little while until Kate and Lady Lockwood came and knocked on the door.
I quickly placed maple down the side of my bed and covered her in blankets, but not so much that she couldn't breathe. I let Lockwood and Kate in and Kate was jumping up and down on the spot in excitement. She ran into my arms and I gave her a warm embrace.

Kates Pov:
I was so excited. Lockwood told me some thrilling news this morning. This could change our lives!

Lockwoods Pov:
I don't even know how to tell Gabrielle. She's always been a favourite of mine but I really hope this goes well.
"So Gabrielle, I was looking for you, I've told Kate this already but we might have someone who is potentially up for adopting you.. or both of you."
I found it so difficult for those sharp words to exit my mouth. Her poor reaction was priceless and it broke my heart. Gabs sunk onto her knees and when she arose, she grasped Kate and I tightly and my out a gentle sob. I could smell dog food in her room and felt like questioning. I didn't think I need to ask, as a small golden lab poked its freshly brushed head out of the corner of the bed and gave a little bark. For once I actually felt like being tolerant and let her keep the puppy. Once again she embraced me even more warm but little did they know, there was more to come.

Gabrielles Pov:
Shaking and trembling, my hands were over my lit-up eyes as I stepped back, away from Lockwoods warmth. This was not what I expected when I woke up this morning. I'm also over the moon that she let me keep Maple and I hope that whoever is coming to meet me and the other orphans likes dogs and will let me keep her. She's way to precious.
I leaped onto my bed with Kate and Maple when Lockwood left and we were jumping for joy inside. We were questioning as to who would get adopted? Would we be together? Will they be rich? Will there be multiple of them? Will we get along?
All of these questions would be answered in less than a few days and our lives could change hugely. This was a huge step for us both if we got adopted!

Hours flew by once again and we were in the kitchen room not too long after the bell. This time, I chose a turkey and cress sandwich and a millionaire shortcake to go along side it. And obviously the dog ice cream. This time I was also given a bowl of puppy food.? Thanks Lockwood!

The same routine occurred again. Brush teeth, wash face, get into bed after feeding Maple, watch Sam and Colby and TFIL on YouTube for a minute, text my crush on Snapchat and go to bed after dreaming through text messages with Kate.

(A/N sorry this chapters a little bit short, next chapter things should start to get better. I'm also trying to change up the vocabulary a bit so sorry if it sounds a little plain)

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