Chapter 10, Chilling

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The night of the party was chaotic, with the drama with Vinnie, the cameras, the drinking, the whole thing. Everyone was rested, comfy and dozing off in their beds. Gabrielle, obviously, was the only one who didn't drink. The other 3 were underaged but drinking, but Gabrielle was always the sensible one who didn't do things she shouldn't- mainly due to the experiences she had as a 10-13 year old. She was hiding a lot from the boys, she didn't know how to tell them about it though. Gabs was up and running for 7am. She put on her running gear, strapped her phone to her arm, grabbed her earbuds, put them in and left the house after writing a note. She ran to the orphanage, through the alleyways, around the beach and across the bank and back up to the trap house. She stopped off at the petrol station on the way home, grabbed some tortilla chips,cheese, salsa, mayonnaise and guacamole and a large glass bowl. She walked home and arrived around 9, opened the door to find everyone-a part from Sam,Colby,Elton and Corey, stood in a semi-circle, in their pjs, yelling SURPRISE with someone stood behind them. Gabrielle jumped back a little bit and closed the door behind her confused. She asked who it was. He came walking towards her very slowly..with some dandelions in a vase.
Vinnie:hi.. I'm-
Gabrielle: stop please. Why are you here and why isn't Sam,Colby,Elton and Corey here? Also hi Brennan and Aaron.
Vinnie: they don't know I'm here. Anyway I've come to pick you up for our date remember?
Gabrielle: uhm I'm sorry if you didn't understand the conversation yesterday, but I can't have you just stalk me and threaten me and then expect me to forgive you?
Vinnie: well no I did understand..
Gabrielle: well why are you here?
Vinnie: well to start over. You know how I don't want you dating that colbs freak.. no one likes him? Who's with me?
Gabrielle: what did you just say about Colby. Let me correct you there. Don't call him Colbs freak.. colbs is my nickname for him. He isn't a freak and fine clal him whatever but if he's a freak, we're all freaks. We all here love each of our friends for who they are. If you really knew me and liked me, then you'd know I don't like dandelions, I don't like you, and I certainly don't like boys disrespecting me and my friends, certainly not when there's been an argument the day before where I specifically told you to go away and stop being so judgemental. Also stop getting involved in my personal life.. let me be myself and stay away. Good thing we are moving away from you, you stalker. Please get out of the house Vinnie. I apologised to your sisters.. they didn't do anything wrong, you however, committed a lot. You know you remind me of the guy who sexually harassed me when I was 13. And yes I'm open about it. You seem like the type that would act nice in front of your family or over text but when face to face- it's all a mess and it's all a joke. Yes I've dealt with that, I'm still scarred from it. It was really serious and I don't like anyone who is like that. I can get you in prison you are aware? And I sure as hell hope that the guy who sexually harassed me went to prison! I have 4 words for you. Fuck. Off. You.Dickhead.
Vinnie: damn jeez, sorry I didn't think anyone liked that guy. I didn't realise you all were one big family or whatever?
Sam: yeah we are, so get lost bitch
Vinnie: "GeT lOsT biTcH" how about no, make me!
Jake: your only a little boy, Elton, Corey let's get this done with *picks Vinnie up and carries him off the drive*
Corey: byee, don't come back again
Vinnie: I will be back 🤫 see you soon baby girl

Gabs: ewh that guy makes me wretch. Now you see why I wasn't surprised also, thank you Sam for coming down! I didn't think that when I got home that idiot would be in my presence again.
The house: I'm so sorry, we didn't realise all that horrible stuff you've been through. We're here for you and we will protect you at all costs.
Gabs: thanks, yeah my young- childhood wasn't the best, I grew up similarly to Kate, divorced parents, anxiety, dating idiots yk, that type stuff. It's not the easiest topic to talk about but you know, with people like you guys as a collective house, it feels welcoming and I like can be open- for once..

Everyone exchanged hugs, thank yous and apologies and everyone gathered in the living room as Sam, Colby and Gabs wanted to announce some news.

Sam: well. I think that we should tell you this idea now. We don't want Vinnie coming back. He's not a good person and it isn't safe here, and like we've had so many break ins and stuff over the past few years living here, it gets chaotic.
Colby: me, Sam and gabs have Been discussing some ways to prevent this and we've decided that with more adoptions to the house and more friends gathering, that we should move house.
Gabs: and by move.. we don't mean to another state, we mean back across the world.
Jake: Yeha but like.. where would we go. No one has ever lived in other countries?
Gabs: *cough cough* nope 2 of us have actually..
Colby: yep. Gabrielle and Kate actually grew up across the world.
Gabs: yeah and my siblings, but the adoption centre came and got them last night. I'm not sure if they are going back across the world but incase you couldn't tell, me and Kate aren't from the US. We're British..
Devyn: oh my Lordy Lord really?
Kate: yup which means..
Colby: we can go move to the area they grew up.. in England! There aren't many celebs to colab with over there but it was a nice area when we did our UK triology?!
Sam: yup, England is very nice. Londons a bit too posh but we've found a nice house in the southern are and Gabs grew up in the South west, so we can go see her family and friends if they are back  in the uk?
Gabs: anndd we can go back to school! I haven't been schooled for quite some time.
Kat: I like the sound of that. Have you bought the house. Wait how many bedrooms does it have?
Colby: I think it said there were 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and 2 lounges but the lounges are massive so we can knock down some walls and do some renovations. We could even get Gabrielle's siblings to come live with us there. It has a nice drive way for all of our cars, a huge garden, im not sure about a pool but I think there was one- and it only costs 500,000 uk pounds!
Elton: what a bargain and like even if we can't all fit together, there's plenty of houses for sale am i right?
Gabs: you aren't wrong, plenty of houses are free. I hope we can buy it.
Sam: about that.. Colby and I have some news..
Colby: I just got a message.. saying that WE GOT THE HOUSE!!
The whole house: Ahhhhhhhhh *screaming and jumping*
Gabs: oh my gosh this is so exciting.. when do we need to be out of here by?
Sam: next month, so that gives us time.. only downside is.. we're gonna need to fly our stuff over there.
Gabs: or we could just start fresh. I mean we can dismantle the beds if we want to keep them and plus- uk furniture is super cheap.
Colby: I bet it is. We should probably get packing now then. A month will fly by super quickly.

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