Chapter 13, Travelling pt2

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Gabrielle: bye mum, see you later!
Ozzy: bye mummy *hugs*
Alana: adios madre
Gabrielle: oi, im the Spanish speaker! Im taking it for GCSE mate.
Colby: ah Español? Me encanta hablas español (oh Spanish, I love speaking Spanish)
Gabrielle: sí, y mi. Es muy bueno y divertido! (Yes, and me, it is very good and fun)
Ozzy: enough Spanish.. now where are we going?
Gabrielle: shoot I only told Elton and Kate. Colby your driving, the others are probably waiting in the vans. *gives keys*
Colby: I just cant wait until you can drive little scallywag.
Gabrielle: i cant wait until I can drive. I have to be 17/18 in this country. I don't know what its like in the US. Why did you give my mum your number?
Colby: oh I just wanted to ask her something, no big deal I guess. Anyway where are we going.
Gabrielle: I mean yeah- planet ice, up the mall I suppose , Pizza Hut maybe?
Tara: whats planet ice?
Gabrielle: yup, we can either skate or watch the match later. And we can go shopping, go get some fresh air and chill at mine later. My mums setting it all up, knowing her she will go all out and crazy. Just a warning.
Colby: well thats nice of her to care.
Jake: how far away is the rink from here?
Sam: im not sure and I know Ambers a pro at ice skating. Shes amazing! Its like her hidden talent.
Colby: fun! I don't mind ice skating, haven't been in a while.
Ozzy: i cant ice skate, Gabs your okay, At least you stay on your feet!
Alana: oh yeah remember when we went with dad and you had to push ozzy around on the seal thing when dad skated.
Gabrielle: yup, I failed skiing when I was 11 didn't i. They called me Bambi on ice and it still scared me. Now keep your eye on the road, were going over a busy motorway.

They all chatted in vans about random topics. There was a little bit of traffic but besides that, they were fine. Everyone got excited as they pulled up into the car parking space.

Sam: is this place like special to you?
Gabrielle: yeah, we came here to watch the ice hockey one year. It was actually pretty fun! We really enjoyed watching it although the Jets won sadly. It was so good in the moment and then I just missed this place. This whole area is full of memories. Here we are!

Thankfully, everyone liked Gabrielle's ideas and when they stepped foot out of the vans, they were jumping for joy. Smiling, laughing and ready for action. They filmed the intro all together and all fit in front of the camera- somehow-. Once they had checked in, they headed into the rink to go get their skates on.

Gabrielles POV:
This overwhelming feeling just came over me, it's like when you are afraid to try something new, but you know you've already done it. Like stepping out of the house, if your insecure, this may seem like hell to you, thinking about what people would think of you if they saw you wearing, your favourite bands merchandise or, wearing joggers in summer. But for me, it was going ice skating again, wondering what people would think of me if I was to.. let's say fall over? Would they laugh or would they help me, would they call me an attention seeker or support me? I waddled across to the rink, took some deep breathes and headed onto the ice. I stumbled a little bit as I got on, but after that it was fine I suppose. I skated around for a little while, watching Amber showing off all of her tricks to impress everyone, who were cheering, whistling and encouraging her. I felt a bit left out, like I was being misplaced, exactly what I didn't want to happen. Maybe I was an attention seeker, just wishing I could be Amber, sharing my talents with the group and members of the public. I stopped myself from overthinking even more, and remembered why I was here with them, to have fun and to make memories, so with that in mind, I went across to Sam and skated around the rink with him and Kat, with their hands linked.

Sam's POV:
I mean I'm not going to pretend I didn't see it coming, but when I saw Gabs putting on her ice skates, I could almost see all the things flowing rapidly through her mind and rather than going in one ear and out of the other, they sort of jsut stayed there. I just couldn't imagine how difficult her life is, especially how it would've been being responsible of hundreds of younger kids in the centre. I felt bad for her and seeing her build the courage to come over, made me feel stronger? Like I was a good brother and a good person to come to. Kat skated off to go see Stas who was red in the face skating away from Colby, who had his hand across his face with his eyebrows in a large frown. I gently offered my hand to Gabrielle, and skated across to see Colby, who was sat on the ground and looked like he was in pain. Gabrielle and i sat along side him and questioned as to what the matter was.

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