Chapter 23, Im home!

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Colbys POV:
I mean let's be honest who doesn't love it when your girlfriend comes home and you get to spend a night in bed with her, it's literally the dream. I was incredibly stoked the second she jumped onto my back and I just missed her so so much and couldn't believe it. She fell asleep after the fun last night and I don't even know what magical powers she had but her even being in my presence makes me feel so warm and good and makes me feel like I'm home. I feel like I can be myself whenever I'm around her and I remembered how much of a great day today was going to be. Elton, Sam and I were keeping a surprise for her to return and finally we can bring the plans into place. I woke up to a coffee, waffles with chocolate sauce and a kiss from Gabs and already I knew this was going to be a good day. I assumed no one else was awake but it sure wouldn't be the case for much longer. I text Sam asking if he was awake as Gabrielle clambered under the sheets and snuggled up next to me. I put my arm around her and she nestled in closely, feeding me with the warmth. 'Morning princess, how are you doing today?' I asked her. 'I'm great thanks now that your back. Today is going to be a great day for sure, believe me,' she replied as she yawned and stretched her legs out. 'Gabs, cmon let's go and see your brother and sister.'
And just like that, we ran down the stairs and were have a pillow fight with Alana and Ozzy. They got tired after a while, so I cooked them some breakfast and they got changed. It was great having Gabrielle back and her having her younger siblings made me feel like a dad, looking after and nurturing my own children. I decided to gather the house- minus Gabrielle- in the living room, everyone looking around at the well-decorated house. Seeing all of our faces bring on a puzzled look made us all laugh.

Kat: sorry where's the party fairy? When did all this occur? And most importantly who did this?
Colby: not me
Sam: nor me
Alana: definitely not me
Ozzy: nah not me either
Elton: Uh.. Colby? Do you think we should.. actually I need to talk to you. Come kitchen with me.
Colby: alrighty *follows into the kitchen*

~In the Kitchen~
Colby: Assuming you were in on her coming home?
Elton: Well.. I mean I helped her unload her clothes and made some arrangements I supposed, great footage though. We should probably film their reactions. I mean she's literally been working her ass off, day and night to make sure that we can all manage I mean cmon some fun is deserved.
Colby: Wait.. are you saying that she was the one that set this all up? Gosh she was travelling for hours.. and still managed to stay awake! Wow that's impressive, go babe. I think she's in Alanas room, let me go grab her. *runs to the room*
Elton: someones quick

Colby: There she was, sat looking at photos of herself from her Miami trip.

Colby: you look so nice in all of these, especially that one (the one above)Gabrielle: Awh thanks babe

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Colby: you look so nice in all of these, especially that one (the one above)
Gabrielle: Awh thanks babe. You always look good *styles his hair and giggles a bit* i really missed you! Also.. where are the others?
Colby: they are all in the living room.. just gathered chatting not knowing your back. Great decor skills btw! They all love it.
Gabrielle: ahh! Gosh how about we go in and you scream, move bitches and we drop it down in front of them all. Show them that nice ass of yours, so your little "twerk" and make em smile.
Colby: sounds like a plan, we can't forget the sun glasses though.

*they took a pair of sunglasses and ran quirkily into the living room and did their little routine*

Kat: damn Colby who's this extremely pretty girl stood before us. I thought you were dating Gabrielle?
Sam: uhh.. this is not what I was expecting.. yea where is Gabrielle? Back from Miami yet?
Colby: Elton.. Alana.. Ozzy?
Elton: Bro.. she is literally in the room with us! Are you blind?
Aaron: nah that very fit girl in the corner cannot be Gabrielle.
Colby: Babe.. why are you just stood there in the corner of the room? Come here Gabs.
Gabrielle: I was just grabbing something from the floor. Hey guys it is me actually, yeah maybe I did change up my looks a little. Thank you for the compliments. I missed you guys so much and couldn't wait to come home. I cant go anywhere without buying you guys gifts. You will receive them.. at some point.
Gabrielle: thank you so much Kat, I love you remember that. Anyway glad you liked the decorations. I was kind of picturing your guys' faces when you saw what a sufficient job i had made. I just realised it's midday. Also check your beds. This party bout to begin...

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