Chapter 22, The Funeral

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Gabrielle's POV:
I mean with all good things that occur to us, there are always the bad things that happen when you least expect it. A few years had passed and those years were great. Yes there was some aspects of mourning and crying, but what's life without suffering?

Watching people you love the most is a challenge but it's normal to feel sorrow and depressed after losing a loved one. It was pretty difficult watching Maple and Foxie go, but Colby and I both knew that it would be okay because we had i and they had gone together. Even though they were dogs, they both impacted hugely on Colby and I's life and without them being there for us, we probably wouldn't be who we are.

Enough with the sad talk though. My dad ended up getting engaged to his now fiancée but honestly it didn't really affect my life much. My dad did go to prison for a few years for wishing death upon my family and refusal of paying house bills etc, but after he got out we saw him and he'd changed completely. Yes he did realise that what he did was wrong but we figured it out.. even though my mum had to move out and sell the house after all these years. Ozzy just had his 15th birthday and honestly time flew by massively. It wasn't too long ago I was holding him for the first time in the hospital like I did with Alana.

Everyone changed unsurprisingly but our friendships and relationships grew and time really turned out to be our best friend. Without time, Oz and Alana wouldn't have grown into the incredible humans that they are today and none of the couples would be the same.

So yes fast forward to the best parts of the gap.

Kat and Sam got engaged and it was pretty sweet. A few months later they got married I got to be a bridesmaid along with Alana, Tara, Devyn and Xepher and Colby was obviously the best man with Ozzy as a pageboy and me also as the photographer.  It was a sweet and fun-packed wedding and Alana met a few guys that took her Interest and well, she ended up with one of those guys. I was proud of her. Anyway, Aaron found himself a new girl and well it was pretty sweet their relationship, Tara and Jake sort of distanced themselves a little more from the OG TrapHouse but as long as they are happy, that's all that matters.

(I dont know how old Alana and ozzy were but I'm pretty sure ozzy was already 12, alana was 17 and Gabrielle was 19. I'm thinking we skip forward to Gabrielles 20th so by 3 years?)

I was so glad watching everyone reunite but honestly I've been pretty lonely. I had to leave for Miami for a work project with Kate and Tom, and they are almost always out with each other. I've got like no signal and thankfully I get to fly back for a mini little dog funeral, which I am not looking forward to. Obviously I'm excited to be back in Colbys arms once more but I didn't expect to have to say goodbye to Maple so soon. I mean she's lived until about 15 which is pretty impressive for a dog. I had a calendar set up in my hotel room and I was just counting down the days til I could see them again. I got to the 2 day point and stayed in the airport for 8 hours until my flight. Yes I was that desperate. Kate and Tom refused to come back as they were on a little 'honeymoon' if that's what you want to call it.

I set off on my flight back to the UK. I was supposed to be landing in London, and then I was just going to catch the train to Wales and catch a taxi home. I hadn't told anyone besides Kate that I was coming home and I mean I was relying on them actually being home. I fancied having a party, so stopped off at a few stores on my way to the train-station and grabbed some drinks, decorations and some snacks. I stuck them all in my luggage, praying that they wouldn't get crushed, and caught the train.
The journey home wasn't as long as I expected, but I messaged Elton seeing if he was awake.. bearing in mind it was about 4:30am.

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