Chapter 9,Party

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All the invites were obviously sent out via text message, so they had a pretty straight forward response from most people. Gabs and her adopted friends invited nearly the whole orphanage- including Lockwood. Sam and Colby invited some new friends that they could introduce some people to. Hours turned to minutes and minutes became seconds. The party was starting at 4:30pm and it was 3:22. Everyone vacuumed, tidied and perfected the house of the guests and the girls set up a huge buffet as the boys finished setting out stuff by the pool and around the house. There was enough stuff to fill a whole village!

Most people wouldn't arrive until a little while after the party began. There was a loud thud at the door and loud giggles could be heard from miles away. Gabs, Kate and Harley ran to the door to let the orphanage flock come in. To prevent huge amounts of chaos,they took a few in at a time whilst in line and sent them out to the pool where Jay and some of the trap boys were. The orphans did a few flips and tricks into the pool and more guests starting showing up to the house. Each with there friends and their friends. The house would've been jam-packed if there was anyone else that had come.

Jake: MEEE
Tara: ME
Sam: me obvi
Colby: I've never seen you this happy before Gabrielle? Do parties bring out the best In you?
Gabs: yup, I haven't had a good part with all my loved ones for a long while. I'm talking 9 years?!
Sam: holyyyy. Your like not gonna be a party pooper right?
Gabs: Nahh I'm blowing this roof off. It's an early bday celebration! Let's get this bad boy started. Let's be party animals not party crashers.
Harley +Kate: WHOOP WHOOP
Gabs: this will be epic, get all the cameras you got babes!
Sam: oi who you calling babe
Gabs: you all duh
Kat: anyone in particular? *winks at Gabs*
Devyn: ohh Yahh
Gabs: SHUT UPPP *fake kicks*
Corey: what did I miss
Elton: what am I not understanding?
Kate: GABS LOVES..*muffled*
Gabs: shut up Kate *covers mouth whilst going really red*
Colby: no need to spill Kate just keep things private
Sam: oooh ur even standing up for her!!
Colby: Aughh just stop please let's just invite the guests in.

The doors flung open. Everyone was handed a drink. The disco ball was spinning, lights flinging across the fresh walls, crowds jumping up and down as people were singing on the karaoke machine. Kate and I joined in the dancing, the floor didn't have a gap, it was all packed. I begged Colby to go and sing a song for everyone.

Colby: you seriously want me to do this?
Gabs:cmon Colby. Remember last years programe yk.. 25x25.. taking chances? Taking risks? Cmon
Colby: fine but only cus you asked
*Colby walks up to the mic*

Colby: hey everyone so I just wanted to thank Gabrielle, our adopted sister for giving me the courage to come up here and perform this for you all, I couldn't have been the person I am now if it weren't for her putting on such an incredible performance at the centre with her friends, Jay,Kate and Harley. You've all brought such happiness to the house and to all you youngsters joining us, you won't know this one, only the real fans know this one. I just wanted to say I love you all *to camera and around the room* and this is Skin- written by me. I could use some help *looks down at Sam, the rest of the house and Gabrielle*

Gabs POV:

Colby coughed away from the mic, clearing his throat before singing. I filmed him and the boys as they started singing. I fell in love with him and his music even more. I was partying along to it and rocking it out at the chorus. I felt a tap on the shoulder and turned around, surprised to see Vinnie, Bailey and Lila jumping for joy behind me. My heart was thudding so hard. I ran into Vinnies arms and gave him a long hard hug, lifter Lila into the air and started singing along once again to Colbys song. All of a sudden, people started reaching forward to Colby, so being me I joined in. Colby pulled me up onto the stage and Sam and his crew were on stage too. We neared the end of Skin and then drying the guitar instrumental, Colby wrapped his long, muscular arms around me and whispered, "cmon help me put on the show *winks*."
I couldn't turn this opportunity down, all cameras were on me as a yelled the lyrics into the mic.

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