Chapter 15, "Double Date"

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Sam and Kat reluctantly agreed into going out with Colby and Gabrielle and although they assumed they would hate it, part of them told them both that they'd join their soulmate once again. Gabrielle had packed a little picnic for the group, grabbed a blanket and a camera, and got the boys to drive her up the hill, down past the park, with a gorgeous few of the sunset. Gabrielle led them up another hill and it was a field full of Daisy's, grass and had the best views anyone could witness.

"Tada! How do you like this for an epic evening?"
Gabrielle wondered.
Kat: Wow.. this is actually pretty nice and to be fair, I think that here is a good spot for some apologies and confessions.
Sam: I must agree with Katrina here, the view and food is amazing so thank you so much for bringing us up here, im glad we can watch the sunset together and have some good times but yeah I think we do need to confess and *gulps* have some apologies shared.
Colby: alright, I say Katrina goes first!

Kat: Okay.. my turn. Well I do have a lot to say. Ill start with this. Sam, honestly I hate when we fall out. I get so sick, sad and way out of my comfort zone for a while and the reason being, I need you for my happiness. We've been together for quite some time and now that we ended it, it just doesn't feel right. Everyone argues at one point and in couples, that doesn't mean you have to break up? We were just misunderstanding each other and thats okay. To be brutally honest with you, I did like Colby for a few days, but you distracted me from that feeling and both of you are irresistible and extremely nice, warming and the best friends i could ever have. After Gabrielle came with her friends and family to the house, I was still adjusting with things. Europe and the UK is nice, but it just isn't the same as the US which will take some time to adjust to. I am so sorry, for the way that I have been treating you all, thank you so much Gabs for bringing us here, I love you all and im so sorry you three once again for anything I've done.
Sam: Wow.. thats pretty open of you. I guess I'll go. Katrina, I have so many apologies for you. Same with your story, your brought me happiness and yes couples and Friends do argue but I think it brings them closer together and thats a good thing. We rely on each other to keep each other happy and without having been with you, I would not be the same person I am today. Like your story with Colby, I did really like Gabrielle in a way I couldn't control, and seeing her with Colby- I do apologise in advance, made me wish that I was Colby, seeing how they don't argue and how they are always having fun and occupied. Yes I was a little jealous but I know that gabs is a little too young for anyone at this stage bur Gabrielle, I've liked you and Kat for a while and im not going to make you like me, I just thought id be better off telling you myself, rather than you hear it off of someone else.. im so sorry Kat, I love you too and I miss being with you. Which is why I Would like to Ask you. Will you, Katrina Stuart, be my girlfriend once again?
Kat: Yes, of course I will. And I forgive you for everything that has been said and we just need to start over fresh, drama and stress free. *kisses* you are the best. Okay im going to say.. Colby, you go next.
Colby: Wow.. okay.. I have a lot to say. So Gabrielle, like they have both said, thank you so much for like.. bringing us here. We need to come here more often as a group but sometimes it feels good to be with a smaller crowd where we are all very alike and I think this group of four is the new dream team. Yeah about that whole thing with Stas, I only have my mind on you Gabs so just remember that I will be waiting for as long as it takes for you to be mine, even if I do go through several other relationships in that time, just remember that its only because I feel lonely and i wont put any effort into them, that being because I love you so much, you are like my everything, as are Sam and Kat and i cant even express my feelings for you. Incase you guys didnt notice, I've been talking to Gabrielles mom lately and shes a very nice person, she talks a lot about you guys being a happy couple and she hopes that you two get married and that me and Gabrielle do at one point- which don't get me wrong would be so fricking cute. You guys and us.. the best YouTube couples. I'd give so much for that to be the case. Sam and I are both extremely lucky to have such incredible, pretty, talented girls in our lives that we cant get rid of. Anyway, thank you again for bringing us here and im glad to be here, your turn.
Gabrielle: Wow. You are all so kind and im glad your in my lives.. Uhm you've basically collectively coveted everything i would say. I love all three of you for who you are and I just pray that that connection between us all never changes. I love every second I spend with all of you and never in a million years did I expect you both to walk into the orphanage and adopt me, of all people. As soon as you picked Kate, I knew that I was going to be really lonely and Colbs, when you said my name, my heart stopped, I have have the largest crush on you for an insane amount of time and my mum also wants me to marry you when im old enough. Shes pretty obsessed with you and i keep thinking what her and Elton would be like together. Like if he wasn't with Amanda.. because like they are the same age. My mum had me when she was 21, so she is 35. My mum would really like him and I just love the idea of the man who adopted me and my birth mum getting together and like ah it makes me so emotional trying to talk about how much I love you all. I don't think I can say anymore without crying but thank you all so much for everything you've done for me, you are the most welcoming people to ever exist. We have Christmas in a few days and I was thinking, we should do a secret Santa. Just the whole house And there isn't a max spend limit. I suppose we can include my brother and sister but like they are only young and stuff so they can go together and if you can just find out if the others are down or not..
Kat: I can assure you, they will be and I just hope that you guys are married and have children by the time that Colby is 35, so you'd be 24 I think. We need some moms in the house. Sam, we need kids too, lol. Its time to stop playing games and get serious with everything. Were gonna Do a secret Santa and break. The. Internet.
Gabrielle: like Wreck-It-Ralph..
Colby: Help! Ahahahah nooo! Lmfao ahaha. Your such a funny goose. Silly goose rather but a super hot one 🔥
Gabrielle: shush, your making me blush 😯
Colby: I want to see you blush though, you look so cute.
Sam: Go on, we will put it to the test, make her blush and we will rate it.

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