Chapter 26, Yes or no

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Gabrielle's pov:
My heart began racing as if I was running a marathon. As Colby began singing, I could tell he was singing it from the heart and directly at me. I didn't expect to have my proposal on a stage, in front of all of my friends and my favourite band. My heart sunk and tears streamed from my eyes. I stood up and kissed Colby, spreading my tears to his cheek. I grabbed hold lf the other side of the mic and Colby and I sang "oh woah oh woah oh woah oh woahhh" into the mic as he slipped the gorgeous diamond ring onto my finger. "Yes" I told him, as the same audience clapped and whistled, cheering us on. "Holy shit WERE ENGAGED," Colby screamed, excitement buzzing all through him. There were a lot of people congratulating us on their ways out and the house celebrated by having a few drinks and lots and lots of hugs. I could see Sam hugging Colby, the pride in his eyes made me feel warm. Kat and Tara came and squeezed me tightly, squealing like the immature little girls we were, seconds later they walked up to Colby and wished him good luck putting up with me. "We'll just remember, what I said was true and I promise to never hurt her and I swear on my life that this is the correct decision and I won't let you guys down. I ain't letting nothing bad happen to her don't worry girls," he told them in a very cocky but serious tone.

Alana and Ozzy were heading home to visit mum and Elton.. who were now married and they were so adorable together. I helped pack their suitcases and Colby helped load their bags into the car. I decided to stay in my own house.. before my mum came and embarrassed me like all good mums do to their children. We waved them goodbye and I began missing them already but I knew I'd see them again at the end of the week.

We were all pretty drained from partying and having a great night and I gave Tobias and Cosmo a hand carrying the last few speakers and guitar plugs out into the van. Cosmo gave me a little kiss on the cheek and wished me good luck with Colby, as did Per and Justin (some of the names of the guitarists).

I was glad I would get the chance to meet them again at their next concert and next thing I know my phone is blowing up because some fans had been recording the proposal and for once, all of the fan comments and edits were really positive and good. Colby rang up his family and told them we were now engaged, as did I and we flopped exhaustedly onto the bed and laughed at each other. And within about 10 minutes, we were dead asleep in each other's arms.

A/N im so so sorry I haven't updated in Ageeeees. any ideas- feel free to comment them and I'll most certainly feature it. Thank you guys sm for almost 500 views <3 love ya all

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