Chapter 12, Travelling P1

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Morning came. Gabrielle's set alarm rang at 8am. She was up, showered and eating breakfast by 8:10 or so. Kate, was sat by her at the table, tucking away to some cereal, whilst Jay and Harley wondered down the hall and into the kitchen to greet them.
Gabrielle: are you okay lads? Excited for what we have planned for today?
Jay: *mumbling*
Harley: mmm
Kate: some boys haven't woken up yet. So I take it as Elton confirmed your idea?
Gabrielle: it isn't just one idea, its a whole plan. We're gonna relive memories and create new ones. Im so excited to see all of your faces. Elton is keeping it a secret and we aren't saying a word. Also your going to have to go in one van whilst I am in the other for road directions and for like the tour. We will all park up at some point and show them around.
Kate: but we don't know many areas and how do i know directions if i don't even know where the blooming hell im going..!
Gabrielle: fine I'll tell you the plan *tells plan*
Gabrielle: I know right. And thanks.. we should go ge the others up. I'll wake their asses up.

*in Colbys room*
Gabrielle: *in mind, oh wow Colbys room is epic* Wake up Colby! Wake up, *sends him a message*
Colby: *murmurs and yawns* oh hey Gabs, did you sleep well?
Gabrielle: yes I did thanks. How about you?
Colby: i slept fine, I had a weird dream though and also what time is it?
Gabrielle: its half 8, why? And also what was the dream?
Colby: its a little embarrassing but.. I had a dream that we went to your village and we showed up at your school and spent a day in your school, after the school had given consent to it obviously and then like all your bullies saw you and I together, waking down past some classrooms and like they all fell in love with you so i carried you away from them cuz they started chasing after you with their phone cameras.
Gabrielle: thank you for getting me to safety though in your dream and actually that isn't that bad of an idea. I will be going back to my original high school with some of the others so thats actually quite call. I can ring up the school actually and ask if we can Film a video there, theres bound to Be a ton of fans too.
Colby: the things you'd do for me :) your so sweet. Please give me one hint as to what were doing today.
Gabrielle: visiting and ice
Colby: oh in that case I'll need something to keep me warm.. like..
Gabrielle: me :) *hugs*
Colby: your a better source of warmth then a coat you know?
Gabrielle: Ahh thanks. Theres also visiting remember. I would pack pjs, gloves, coats, a drink and your cameras.
Colby: ooh we are staying over?
Gabrielle: not just staying over somewhere random, well it might be random to you but not for me?
Colby: thanks for the hint are we..
Gabrielle: *covers his lips 🤫* don't talk shush *wink*. Now come get breakfast big guy.
Colby: yess mum
Gabrielle: damn, *whispers I love that use of English Colby, and the name*
Colby: i didn't realise I said mum not mom lol. And i like it too *giggles*

The rest of the house woke up to Colby and Gabrielle laughing as their laughs echoed as they descended down the stairs. They all got dressed, packed the same sort of stuff and got all ready, doing things they needed to. They decided to bring all the dogs that they could and hit the road. Kate was the tour guide for Elton,Amber,Harley,Aaron, Stas and Jay, whilst Gabrielle took Devyn,Corey,Tara,Sam,Colby,Jake and the dogs- because they had the bigger van. Colby and Elton drove to the orphanage to go and get Alana and Ozzy. Gabrielle got out of the van and jogged towards the centre and walked in.

Gabrielle: hey im Gabrielle, is it okay if i take out my younger brother and sister? Alana and Ozzy Jonez?
Worker: of course, we just need to confirm that you are their biological and rightful sister. Do you have a parent with you?
Gabrielle: no, all the adults are in vans parked down the road. I did just dye my hair and they came to visit a few days ago?
Worker: oh yes it says so on the system, home Of Elton Castee? Isn't that in The US though?
Gabrielle: yes it was- we moved houses today back into South England, so were just going on a day-trip back to where i grew up- being the Bristol area ad villages surrounding it.
Worker: like Portsmoth, Clevidon and Portisead?
Gabrielle: yep, its uhm, Portsmouth, Clevedon, Blackwell and Portishead..
Worker: okay *on the radio thing* Can Alana Jonez and Ozzy Jonez please pack your suitcases, you have a visitor here to take you home.
Gabrielle: thank you, here as i am there sister does that mean they come into mine and my mums care again?
Worker: your mums back is she?
Gabrielle; yeah i thought someone told me she was dead but apparently not. Im actually going to visit her today with my you-tuber family. You may have heard of them? The trap house? Sam and Colby?
Worker: i don't watch youtube but they sound cool. Ooh here they come.
Ozzy: GABI
Gabrielle: hey you two cmon i got your cases cmon. Thank you Miss.
Worker: thats okay enjoy being free! Bye
Gabrielle: bye
*they leave the orphanage*
Gabrielle:so how are you guys *whilst walking to the vans*
Alana: we are okay, glad you've come to get us. When do we need to be back there?
Gabrielle: you don't.. have to go back. Your both free now that im back in the country.
Ozzy: wait did you move?
Gabrielle: yep, me and my youtube family all moved from America to England again, near Nana and Grampas house.
Alana: is it a mansion?
Gabrielle: you could call it a mansion i guess, cmon the vans are over here. *waves at colby*
Ozzy: does it have a pool?
Gabrielle: yes and you guys get to share a huge room on the bottom floor right next to mine.
Alana: how many of you live there?
Gabrielle: 14, including me 15, plus all the dogs.. i don't know. I brought my dog with me too. Were going up to cribbs for the day and then stopping by someone specials house.
Gabrielle: keep it down- yes okay now ill open the van door for you don't tell the others though. Do talk to them, they wont bite.
*inside the van*
Gabrielle: hey guys. I guess you haven't properly met yet but guys, this is my little brother Ozzy, he is 8, 9 after christmas and this is my 12 year old little sister Alana.
Alana: *shyly waving at them*
Ozzy: Hii
Gabrielle: its okay alana, don't be shy. Hey tara, you can do something with her hair if you like.
Tara: girl im down.
Gabrielle; yea thats tara, this is Jake her boyfriend, Devyn and her boyfriend Corey.
Devyn and Corey: heyy
Gabrielle: and you already know sam and colby
Ozzy: yeah cus your flipping addicted to them!
Gabrielle: very true *laughs* now enough exposing me, lets get this van going. Im gonna head to the front with Colby.
Alana: your bOyFriEnD
Gabrielle: shut up
Ozzy: you wish
Gabrielle: *sticks middle finger up*
Alana: oi
Ozzy: ahah, i don't give a fuck
Jake: *looks surprised*
Corey: where did you get that language from? Your only 8!
Ozzy: our dad, he swore an awful lot and would hit us and swear at us.
Alana: yup he sure did
Gabrielle: we don't talk about that though.. we haven't seen him at all for years and well.. i kind of miss him, i was always a daddy's girl and you were both mummy's boy and girl- probably why we are so,very different.
Ozzy: yeah cuz your emo!
Alana: shush brotha
Colby: hey, she isn't and even if she was, we would still love her.
Sam: you cant say much Colby, your like the emo king.
Tara: yeah and Gabrielle can be your emo queen!
Devyn: thats so cute 🫶
Corey: yeah you guys would be so cute together 🫶
Gabrielle: *blushing hard* uh.. well.. uhh..
Colby: stop your making her uncomfortable
Gabrielle: lets just focus. Can anyone guess where we are heading first?
Colby: nope, based off of the nav it looks like a house.
Gabrielle: yeah it is a house..
Ozzy: wait. Your not on about.. OUR house are you?
Alana: holy guac are we going HOME
Sam: wait a gosh dang minute? I thought you said your mum was gone?
Gabrielle: ehh. Well change of idea, she is alive and yes guys were going home!
Gabrielle: ow my ear drums, i thought you hated being at home..
Ozzy: are you serious! I hope shes done some renovating.. adding more bedrooms.
Gabrielle: we will find out
Colby: wow this place has so many roads, whys the other van turning down by that school?
Gabrielle; they are going to Kates house and that school is Ozzys school and mine and Alanas old primary school. And here down this road is the way id walk to school. Colby turn right onto this road.
*indicates to the right and onto the path*
Gabrielle: this ones it, second on the left, with the blue car out the front.
Sam: oh wow, nice house. Ooh fancy front garden.
Jake: oh wow you grew up here?
Gabrielle: *honks horn* go park in the drive
Colby: *parks car*
Gabrielle: guys, leave your bags and stuff in the car, we are just stopping by to say hi. Idk if theres enough room to stay the night. Cmon lets get to the front door atleast.

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