Chapter 8, halloween

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Months flew by and the house got to know each other even more. Kate, Gabrielle, Harley and Jays bond remained the same, Sam and Kat eventually made up and they are fine,Devyn and Corey broke up but got back together again, Tara and Jake are fine too. The couples were planing on getting matching outfits with each other.
In the short space of 2 months, Jay came out as gay and confessed his feelings towards one of the boys at the orphanage and Kate and Harley got together it turns out. Gabrielle stayed in touch with Vinnie and his sisters and were arranging to meet up. Colbys love kept growing for Gabrielle, as did her love keep expanding for Colby. She stopped liking Sam as it would've caused beef and issues, which no one wanted but little did she know, a huge surprise was coming her way.

(E=Elton, G=Gabrielle,K=Kat, V=Vinnie,C=Colby,S=Sam)
E: good girl, so as you know Halloween is coming up and we have a little surprise for you, you'd be glad to know.
G: and whats that?
K:its at the door

There was a very large box outside of the front of the house, Gabrielle was curious as to what was inside. She struggled to drag it into the house but manager with the help of Elton and Colby.

G: gosh that weighed a ton
*hears giggling*
G: those giggles are familiar, I haven't heard them in years. OH NO U DIDN'T
E:we didn't what?
G:you didn't have to, guys come out
C:aw man we would've thought after all these years you wouldn't remember.
G: ALANA,OZZY! Oh my gosh get out of there

O:Holy gab gab your'e tall
G:so are you guys, im so sorry I haven't visited
A:its fine but like woah where is this place
G: who even got you out here?
O:someone called Elton?
G:Oh my goodness Elton you didn't have to *hugs*
E:this wasn't all my idea you know?
G:*looking around the room * then who's was it
C: surprise
G: no way Colby! Your a legend
C: I'm really not bu..

Colbys pov:
I didn't get to finish my sentence. I got half way though the word but when Gabs came darting at me, her eyes full of tears. It was like when a puppy gives you those puppy eyes whilst whimpering, I couldn't help but pout and smile at her reaction. It was priceless and I was glad it was all on camera.
I knew what I felt like doing, but I wasn't sure how comfortable she would feel about it. I wrapped my long arms around her neck and I felt her grab even tighter. I wasn't sure if she wanted this so I tried keeping it cool.

C: your welcome. Thank YOU for being who you are and being just incredible.
G: thank you for adopting me and choosing me. Well- even though Elton officially owns us. I can't express how much I love and thank each and everyone here.
C: well it's Halloween so why are we just standing around!
C: it's one of the best holidays
G: I like the way you think Cole Robert Brock
C: wait I don't know your middle name or your last name. That does not work! Oh also can we introduce your siblings to the house?
G: oh Yeah I forgot about that

Gabrielle's pov:
I completely forgot it was Halloween and I was just so blown out of my mind I just lost sense of everything. When I ran towards Colby, I felt like I was flying through the wind and as I was given a warm embrace, I felt safe and I didn't want to let go- probably cuz I love hugs and kisses and mainly attention!
Colby called the rest of the house down and we some how managed to get everyone sat in the living room.

Gabs: hey everyone
*everyone- "sup?"*
Sam:hey why are we here
Jake: what was at the door Gabs?
Gabs: that's why we are all here, I'd like to introduce you to some people. Come on out *signalling*
Alana: h..h..hey..
Ozzy: why are there so many people here and who are these people
Gabs: this is my little brother Ozzy, he's 8 and this is my little sister Alana and she's 12.
Everyone: nice to meet you guys
Tara: aw they're so cute
Ozzy: thanks
Colby: yeah we might aswell introduce ourselves, there is a lot of us though and so you probably won't remember us all.
Alana: oh don't worry I have a clue, I think Ozzy does to. Especially with this chatterbox here. All she used to talk about was you guys and how she dreamt of living with you guys.
Gabs: OI! Enough revealing my personal life okay
Ozzy: WELL Atleast we aren't telling them about your UTI's and Annoyingness *kicks her leg*
Gabs: ow that's my bad knee f*c*
Colby: Gabrielle are you okay?
Alana: Ozzy get out the way
Kat: hey hey break it up
Sam: Ozzy right? Come with me! You too Alana

Sams pov:
I can't stand watching my friends and family get hurt- let alone by their own siblings. I knew that Ozzy was the only boy in their housework for a while after their dad left them so I understood he didn't have brothers to play fight with but someone needed to knock some sense into him. I knew he was only 8 and immature but I knew that I had to do something to protect Gabi.

Sam:Ozzy. Why did you kick your older sister?
Ozzy: because she was being annoying and.. she's always like that.
Sam: Gabrielle isn't annoying and she didn't deserve to be kicked. We're men here you know. If your going to stay here, you have to behave.
Alana: yeah Ozzy please don't hurt gabs. We need her more than anything and it rare that we will ever get to have an opportunity to see her again. We need to make the most of it as they will expect us back in the UK soon.
Sam: how soon?
Ozzy: I think they said we could have a week here?
Alana: yeah I hate cutting things short, thanks for the talk Sam but we should get back to the others!
Sam: yeah right true and thanks for letting me talk to you guys.

Sam, Alana and Ozzy went back to join the others and Kat came and grabbed Sam's arm and was whispering to him. Colby was looking around the room and things got awkward. Moments of silence occurred as all the house members stared at each other.

Gabrielle: Guys we can't keep with the awkward silence. I mean cmon it's Halloween. Kate, Harley, Jay? You wanna help me? You know what I'm on about?!
Jay: yes slay queen
Harley: sure babe
Kate; ofc babes x

Tara: anyone got a clue what they are on about?
Sam: yup I see what's happening.
Corey: yeah we're all down to Help decorate. Let's fix this place up and bring on the Hallo- to the hallowhome.
Devyn: nice one baby!
Colby: sure I'm down and we need costumes done to. I say we do a theme for the house and we all do the same? Or we do like idk? Disney and we can all be different characters.
Elton: I'm being Olaf with a beard
Jake; okay daddy Elton.
Kate: imma assign you all characters. Hmm.. Sam, you can be Woody from toy story and Kat can be your Bo Peep. Tara, you can be Dora and Jake your being Boots the monkey. Corey? Hmm you can be Ken and Devyn you can be Barbie. We need some Winnie the Pooh characters! Jay your 100% being EeyOre the emo donkey. Harley you can be Ducky from toy story and I'll be your bunny obvi. Colby, you wanna be Winnie, Amber you can be Tigger and hmm.. Gabi you can be Piglet. Alana and Ozzy-  you can be whatever, maybe like both matching ninja turtles or stormtroopers. We're gonna throw this party and have some Fun b*tches!

(Kate and Gabs having a convo in the kitchen whilst making Halloween snacks)
Gabs: Damn Kate you got style!
Kate: Wdym? Did you like who I put you with?
Gabs: Yeah I love piglet and Colby as Winnie is such a cute idea. I love you Kate and it's so cute. I hope you and Harley get together. If we're throwing a party we should invite our old friends from the orphanage and Sam and colbys mates surely?

Everyone was told the plan, invites were sent out and the house was finished. Top-to-bottom Halloween-fest. All the costumes fit and the night of the party came.

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