Chapter 18, The Surprise

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Aaron and Elton soon discovered what was happening, they helped unload gabs and Kate's stuff into the garage, parked their cars for them by the garage and they both grabbed a camera. Aaron stood behind them filming them entering the house and Elton stood inside of the house with a shot of them opening the door. Sam came of the kitchen and noticed them in the hallway first, as they closed the front door. Gabs put a finger over Sam's mouth and then whistled very loudly, grabbing everyone's attention. Kat came sprinting downstairs from her room and squeezed Kate and Gabrielle tightly.

Kat- *squealing* oh my gosh YOUR FINALLY HERE, wow you grew up! *waves at recording camera* I missed you so much it's been so many years now! Wow your so tall, I feel really small.
Gabs- thanks, you look amazing, I can't wait to see Colby's reaction. Tar and Jake shouldn't know I'm coming.
Kate- hey Kat and shh, go knock on Tara and jakes door and bring them down here Aaron, Elton, follow him up there to get their reactions.

Aaron-*knocks on their door*
Tara- what?
Aaron- we have some special guests here for you!
Jake- Ahhhh I know who it is!
Tara- it isn't Harry styles.. AHH I KNOW WHO NOW *legs it down the stairs and sprints into Kate and Gabrielle's arms*
Jake- wait for me *follows tara*
Gabs- holy shit guys you look incredible!
Tara- girlies you look like fire. You look soooo gooooddd ahh I can't believe we haven't seen you in so long.
Elton- stay here guys, clear the way. I want a shot of Gabrielle stood in the middle and then Colby can come see you. It's gonna be so cute, I'll go knock on his door, you guys go and form like a circle but not too small.
Gabs- ahh my heart is thumping so much I feel sick. Cmon go get him.
Kate- it's going to be okay gabs *laces fingers together*
Elton-*knocks on Colby's door*
Colby- Hey man- dude why the cameras.. oh my holy shit am I dreaming or is she-
Elton- go find out, AARON START ROLLING NOW
Colby- FUCK ME, I stubbed my toe.AHHHH

Colby's POV:
When gabs rang me, my heart was racing, I was so happy for her and I didn't expect her to come so soon, I called my mom and told her the plan I had in mind and she seemed to want me to do it. When Elton knocked on my door, I felt light headed and dizzy and forced myself down the stairs. I peered over the edge of the stair case and saw an angel surrounded by all of my friends. I think they planned this ahead. I felt like I was running in slow motion for a minute but when I reached the end of the hallway, I just burst straight into tears. I couldn't believe it had been 5 years and looking at how much Gabrielle and Kate had grown made me feel old. I shyly walked towards her and felt everyone staring at me. Sam pushed me towards her. I got really nervous but I knew it was going to be okay.

Gabrielle- hey stranger, long time no see.
Colby- holy cow- am I dreaming or is there an angel stood before look super hot. You sure had a glow up both of you. I.. I missed you so much, I still feel like this is a complete dream.
Gabrielle- you've changed a lot, I feel like I'm dreaming too. It's a good dream though, it's one that gets your heart pumping and you just have to live it right. Alright enough chatting from a distance, come closer.
Colby- wow I don't have to look so far down now if I wanted to stare into your beautiful glossy eyes. Can I tell you something and honestly I don't care what everyone else thinks of this.
Gabrielle- yes you may.. go ahead.
Colby- I..
Sam- cmon colbs say it, just like you told me!
Colby- Gabrielle.. i love you.. so so much. Every second I was away from you, I was in pain. Now that you are here, everything's gone away, everything but this insanely large part of me which is just telling me that you are the one for me. My one and only soulmate, my forever love. I..
Gabrielle- Wow, that was a lot to take in, truth is- I got into a relationship but the thing that made it unsettling was that- i was seeing one, that wasn't made for me. Every second I spent away from you, my patience got thinner and thinner and I just couldn't get you off my mind. Ever since the day I first starting watching you, I knew I instantly fell in love with you. I loved watching myself break that other guys heart and he knew he could never be the man you are, tall, insanely gorgeous, hot and my definition of husband material. I could marry you on the spot any day. There isn't one word in the dictionary or thesaurus with can describe how much love I feel for you or how much you mean to me. I love you so so much Colby and I can't even express it enough. I'm so sorry I left you all, it really hurt me having to go and finish school but here I am. Stood here. With you. And all of our friend and subscribers watching. I think that's enough talking for the minute.
Colby- *crying harder* I had no idea about any of this. I think.. I need to agree with you in that I can't even express what I feel for you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, well besides YouTube and all my friend and family. I can't explain how much I wanted to say this but. Gabrielle Jonez.. will you be my girlfriend..?
Gabs-*lip trembling* *nodding*
Colby- YES FINALLY SHES MINE EVERYONE WOOO *pumping fist into the air*
Kat- So your just going to stand there? GABI GO FOR IT CMON
Gabs- Colby.. *stands on tippy toes* I love you.
Colby- I love you to. Come here girlfriend *wraps arms around waist* *takes her arms and coils them are his neck*

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