Chapter 21, Daddy says its okay

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I was terrified. It had legit been too many years since I've seen my dad with my younger siblings. My heart began racing as time drew nearer to when I was meeting him again. Colby grabbed hold of my hand and together we stared of if they coffee stores window. The bell rang as a tall man with black hair and Harry Potter glasses strolled through the door with a short lady who must've been his girlfriend. I rubbed my eyes and saw them walking closer to Colby and I. The man starting singing mine and my dads old favourite song with his girlfriend and that was Griftwood by ghost. We used to cover the speaker on our phone and iPads and mouth the lyrics making cool Bon Jovi noises. His voice sounded just like my dads. They sat down on a table a few across from us so I got out of my seat and went over to their table. "Hey there sir, your voice is really good." I told him. "Hey wow there's rarely anyone in this area who likes ghost actually. This is my girlfriend Kayleigh, she's a fan too," he responded with. "Also.. that song was the last song I sang with my dad as a kid before he left for Australia to go and stay with his girlfriend.. I was supposed to be meeting him actually," my eyes filling with light tears. "Oh don't cry. Similar situation, my daughter and I sang the same song together. I miss her so much. I was supposed to be meeting her to. I think she's going to look the same. Her names Gabrielle.. she would've been 5 or so the last time I saw her face to face and then the rest was over a call, I haven't spoken to her for maybe 9 years or so" "That's actually.. relatable. I..I think I'm your daughter.."

Colbys POV:
The date was going pretty amazing to be fair. Gabrielle was having a great day and when she heard about her dad.. I could see the pain she was suffering with. I brought her to the same cafe her dad used to bring her to when she was younger To make sure she wouldn't feel so distant from him. I was overhearing their conversation and I was not expecting that to be her dad. I mean.. I sort of saw the resemblance but they don't seem too close. I walked behind her and placed my left arm around her neck and whispered, talk to him, in her ear, making her giggle a little bit and invited me to sit down with them.

Gabrielle- Hey.. yea I'm confident I'm your daughter. As long as your name is Antonio, you've had 4 failed marriages, your last ex wife's name was Charlotte and she had 3 children- Gabrielle, ozzy and Alana and you were a very funny dad. Does that sound anything like you?

Antonio- Yes. Gabrielle it is me. After all this time. You look so- different. How old are you now?

Gabrielle- I am 19, coming up 20. I finished school a few months ago and mum told me about you. Oh shoot yea dad- this is my boyfriend Colby.

Kayleigh- Colby Brock? holy sugar crumbs.
Congratulations guys!

Antonio- How'd you know him sweetie?

Gabrielle- Dad.. I told you I had great taste in men. Colbys a famous paranormal investigator and YouTuber. Long story short mum sent us all to an adoption centre and Colby and his mates came and adopted us when we were 13- we being me, 2 boys and my best friend Kate. Colbs is the only thing that keeps me happy to be fair and I'm glad he's mine. Yes and im assuming Kay watches him on yt.

Colby- Sup? Yes I am Colby Brock. You aren't dreaming, im here right in-front of you both and Mr Jonez.. I never believed that I could ever meet someone with such talent and beauty ad your daughter does. Her and my best friend are what keep me going and she is just perfect and perms they locked into my heart and I'm never letting her go,
I promise I will continue taking care of her. She is 10000% my soulmate and I honestly don't know who I'd be if it weren't for your daughter *cough*.

Antonio- Wow. Didn't realise my little devil had that side of her. Crickey you must've done well in school then both of you. Mum mentioned about you working for Sam and colby- I didn't think you'd be dating your all time celebrity crush. Does that mean your a celeb now gabs?

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