Chapter 11, Moving

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And just like the house said, one month surely did fly by very quickly. They got most of the house packed up, they also found a buyer for the house. One or two  decided that they wanted to stay in the US for a while longer- and that was Amber,Xepher and Aaron. The group gathered all the dogs, minus Aaron's, and all the pet stuff and said their last few goodbyes to the house. Luckily, there was a few planes flying out bay the same time to the UK, so they would all land around the same time. Departure day came and the group was chuffed.

Gabrielle: I cannot tell you guys how thankful I am that we are a- away from Vinnie and his family, and B- getting away somewhere.
Tara: And we, are so thankful that we know some people who know the area, because we don't for sure.
Gabrielle: Trust me. The whole UK is massive, the area that I'm from, well it's a small ish village, maybe I'll take you guys down there one time.
Colby: any chance we can stop in on the way there?
Gabs: I mean maybe. They do have a lot of food stores and furniture stores, we might just want to get to the house first and we haven't even boarded yet.

"*music* Hello, The 2 planes B1St and B2ST for England may now begin boarding Now at gates 2 and 3, thank you."

Kate: yay. We get to go home and see humans we actually give one about yes!
Gabrielle: I thought you hated Our area? Or was that just a temporary thing?
Kate: I mean I liked the area as it was, let's just hope it hasn't changed much.
Gabrielle: I want it to have changed, anyway, who's on what plane? I'm on the B1ST?
Colby: yeah me too.

The groups for the plane were:
Colby, Gabrielle, Kate, Jay, Sam,Stas and Katrina on the B1ST.
Tara, Jake, Devyn, Corey, Elton, Aaron and Amber on the B2ST.

And yes, Aaron and Amber decided to come, however Xepher wanted to stay permanently in the US with her mates.

The planes were quite quiet when both planes took off. The B1ST was slightly ahead, so they would be arriving at 10:45pm and the others 11:15pm. The journey for both was reasonably smooth, no bumpiness or discomfort. The arrangements for each plane were:

Stas   Colby   |  Gabrielle     Kate      | Jay      Harley
Sam  Katrina |                                      |

A few of them slept on the plane. Stas didn't really feel too well so she was back and for the toilet quite a bit. Colby was uncomfortable so he switched with Kate, who was fast asleep and also didn't feel too well. Colby and Gabrielle talked for a lot of the flight and fell asleep on each-other once or twice. Once they had finally landed, they got off their plane, grabbed their suitcases and pet cages and wondered out of the airport to the front to wait for the other group. When they were all ready, it was pitch-black outside, not a glimpse of natural light to be seen. They called a taxi to come and take them to the nearest hotel as the house they had bought was an hour or two away. They stayed the night at the hotel, Sam and Kat in one bed with Colby and Stas in the same room in the other bed. Kate and Gabs in one room in a bed with Harley and Jay on the other side of the room, Corey and Devyn and Jake and Tara in another room and Aaron,Elton and Amber in another room together sleeping separately. Everyone seem to sleep fine and enjoy sleeping in a bed- even though it wasn't their own.

*in Gabrielle's dream*
Gabrielle: oh yea, here we are the house.. I wonder what were going to do once we've Moved in and ooh ooh what room I get. Is there a theme for my room? Hm how about, black, white, grey and ghost bc themed, with vines, a galaxy ball light, leds, a desk and lots of indie styled pictures, ooh with some vinyl disks hung on the wall, with a record player on a table next to the desk.

Morning came quickly. Everyone was nice and rested and all gathered in Sam,Kat,Stas and Colby's room. It was quite large for a double bedroom with an en-suite, so everyone managed to fit. They ordered some breakfast up to the room and tucked in once it had arrived after a few minutes, they chatted, yawned and all separated to go get changed.

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