Chapter 14, Childhood

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Once they had left the car stores, they grouped up once again into the vans and headed back to Gabrielle's house. Whilst they were in the van, they were all just texting each other and being super dead, so Colby turned on some music and on the radio, coincidentally played Skin by Colby Brock and Take A Look At My Boyfriend cover by Katrina Stuart and Sam Golbach. They all sang along to it and sang to every song they know on the radio for most of the journey home- that way the journey wasn't dull.

Corey's POV:
On a few occasions, it was just Gabrielle and Kat singing along to some of the songs and it was quite funny seeing everyone else's reaction. Devyn and I cracked up a few times cuz they tried doing impressions of people whilst they were singing but the one that got everyone, was Gabs' cat version of bulletproof by godsmack. She just meowed the whole song and it was pretty hilarious. She just cried of laughter after and before we knew it, we were back at their house.

(Just a reminder, Char is Gabrielle, Ozzy and Alanas mum and Diablo can be the name of their cat, that does get along with the dogs)

Char: Hey guys! How was ice skating?
Colby: dramatic.. but very fun and f+b's after was amazing. We can't thank you and Gabs enough for this idea. You have such an amazing eldest daughter and 2 incredible younger children. A car Genius son and and a stunning fashion icon younger daughter. Your whole family is just amazing and it's thrilling to know you all.
Char: oh my goodness, Colby you are so sweet and you and your friends and family are like the dream team. I am so lucky that my children have gone into you and your friends' care and I couldn't be happier. I cant even express how chuffed I am knowing that my children have such influences.
Sam: Your kids have influenced us actually. They've shown us that you can be whoever you want, wherever and made us feel so alive again, we're so proud to be a part of their lives and it's all thanks to you. *hugs Char*
Char: aww how things have just gotten better. You all changed my mind on things. I look up to you all myself and I'm so happy that Gabs got so addicted to you guys at such a young age. She loves you guys so much and wanted to be with you as a large group since she first watched you. I have no words. I just pray that she ends up seeing one of you awesome people.
Colby: mhm so do we. We all love your kids and.. I love everything about them.
Gabrielle: Thanks Colby, we love you to. I know I do for sure! *smiles*
Char: Gabs, come here *signals*
Gabrielle: okay..
Char: *whispers* please please get with Colby when your older. He's all you talk about and he's just such a nice person. You'd be so cute together.
Gabrielle: *whispers* yeah I've always liked him, he likes me a lot too, I was planning on dating him when I'm like 18+ he would be like 29 then so it's all good. I would marry him now if I could.
Char: ahaha that's funny, I bet you would. Alright child, Alana, fetch me my tea, it's on the table and can Ozzy go grab my phone and suitcase please.
Alana+Ozzy: *groaning* Yes mum *rolls eyes and laughs*
Char: I will be off in a minute. Gabs I hope that you can take charge of these young men and women for me. Don't reck the house. There's clothes on the line of mine, you can wash clothes. There's dishwasher tablets and washing machine stuff. There's a bit of food but I can give you some money to spend on a food shop, get it delivered to the house and your fine and yeah. Thanks Alana and Ozzy, I'll miss all you lot too, alright I'm off *kisses kids foreheads* bye!
All: bye! *door closes*
Gabrielle: and.. she's gone. * hears small bell jingling* Did you hear that? No way is that? DIABLO

In came a gorgeous grey and black tabby cat. Proudly strutting into the living room and stretching his legs before weaving between everyone's legs.

Gabrielle: guys this is Diablo, our family cat. Say hi Diablo.. cmon don't be shy.
Diablo: meow meoww *purring*
Gabrielle: good boy, strokes head okay guys come with me. I'll take you and the pups to their rooms.
*walking upstairs*
Gabrielle: I didn't make a few changes but: Sam and Kat your here on the right, don't worry about unloading everything, remember, up the stairs and first door on the right. Tara and Jake your in here on the right of Sam and kats room. Corey and Devyn your in Alanas old room, in there on the right of Tara and Jake. My room is on your right next to the staircase. Then you guys come up here.
Gabrielle: soo Al and Ozzy, you can have the living room,Amber and Stas you can have this one above Sam and Kat. And then Aaron and Elton you have this one in the middle and there's enough space for the dogs. Hope that's all okay.
Sam: thanks so much Gabs. Your a life saver and a money saver.
Gabrielle: I'm a saver, not a spender.
Colby: okay, I like you even more now. Q
Kat: I want a nap. Wake me when there's food.
Gabrielle: I'm ordering a Chinese, it'll be here in an hour. Enjoy your nap. *heads into room and closes door Behind*

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