Chapter 24, PartyTime

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The group all headed upstairs and put on their costumes. Colby had a Mickey Mouse costume and Gabrielle was Minnie of course, Sam was reusing his beast costume and Kat was Belle from Beauty and the beast. Alana and Ozzy had Mike and Sully from monsters inc and before they knew it, the lights were off and tons of celebrities and people walked in through the door. HUDDY, Stas, Tara and Jake flew out from the US just to come and be there at the party and it was a great opportunity for Gabrielle to meet some of Colbys mates and the rest of the groups.

Gabrielle: wow this is actually a better party than I thought. Oh my god is that Chase? Holy sugar I need to go talk to him.
*goes over to Chase Hudson*
Gabrielle: Oh my gosh hey Chase!
Chase: oh hey there gorgeous. Who might you be? Wait don't tell me.. your Taras friend Gabi aren't you? And Colby Brock infamous girlfriend. How could I forget!
Gabrielle: that's me alright. I an such a huge huge fan of you. Even before Teenage Heartbreak and back when you were dating Charli! Your music influenced me to get into music and I can't thank you enough.
Chase: I never knew that you were a fan! gosh. Great party by the way. You look amazing. I need a drink.. mind taking me to the kitchen?
Gabrielle: oh yea of course.. I think Colby's waiting for you there aswell *takes to the kitchen to find Colby sat on a counter looking at the floor*

Gabrielle: Babe.. are you okay?
Colby: oh hey gabs..just Chillin..
Gabrielle: on the counter? Staring at the floor?
Chase: what's up man?
Colby: hey Chase. I don't know.. just feeling a bit off today.
Gabrielle: ah it's okay *kisses his cheek* you'll be okay. Cmon we need to say a speech. Get your fat ass up and let's go party.
Chase: listen to the girl man. Party party!!
Colby: oh and btw babe, there's a surprise for you next door.

Gabrielles Pov:
Colby led me into the living room to find 4 guitars, a drum kit, some speakers, a few microphones, a few tambourines and a keyboard. And those guitars were very familiar. I began doubting my assumption but as I turned my back and looked back at the stage my dream became reality. There.. in my living room.. was my favourite band Ghost.. stood in my house.
"Babe am I dreaming or is that Ghost stood right before me?" I asked Colby. "Nah this isn't a dream. Surprise!" I hopped on the spot until I was pushed to the front of the crowd, right up against the stage so I was stood right under Tobias forge and Cosmo sylvan who were getting their gear on to host a live performance for us. "First I thought it was just going to be a Halloween party and now we get a live show in our house! I mean how much better can this get?" Puzzled, I questioned Kat. "Just wait and see what we have planned for you gabs," Kat replied hyperly.
Before I knew it, all the lights were off, a sheet was hung up in-front of the stage, which had some extension work done on it and Imperium began playing. (Imperium is a very sad but good instrumental at the beginning of the show)

The projector turned on and the beginning riff of Kaiserion began.
The curtain fell suddenly and the guests (including myself) began screaming. I grabbed onto Colbys hand and we jumped as high as kangaroos as the guitars were being played whilst I was screaming the lyrics along with the rest of the audience.

A prophecy told
We are building our empire
From the ashes of an old
The fruit of the womb
Our brotherhood of good faith
Sealed an apostate witch's doom
It is the sound of another deadline
Whistling past your ears
It is the sight of a million regrets
Mounting over years
It is the words that were never spoken
That echoes through the times
It is the smell of the burning temples
Swept away by rhymes
Far away from the stench of the heavens
Long ago yet too close to forever
When a paradise is lost go straight to
A matter of love
When mother earth is calling
For a father up above
Put on the smiles
And throw your holy rocks right at her
For her satanic wiles
It is the truth of candor shown
Through a prism of deceit
It is the continence of bishops
With their choirboys en suite
It is the tongue soiled in adulation
That licks to no avail
It is the noise of the rightious dogma
That hides the handmaid's tail
Far away from the stench of the heavens
Long ago yet too close to forever
When a paradise is lost, go straight to
It is the sound of another deadline
Whistling past your ears
It is the sight of a million regrets
Mounting over years
It is the words that were never spoken
That echoes through the times
It is the smell of the burning temples
Swept away by rhymes
It is the truth of candor shown
Through a prism of deceit
It is the continence of bishops
With their choirboys en suite
It is the tongue soiled in adulation
That licks to no avail
It is the noise of the rightious dogma
That hides the handmaid's tail
Far away from the stench of the heavens
Long ago yet too close to forever
When a paradise is lost go straight to
Far away from the stench of the heavens
Long ago yet too close to forever
When a paradise is lost go straight to'
Followed by them shouting my name instead of the country they are touring in. Tobias (the lead singer) took a minute to kneel down and help me onto the edge of the stage to hand me the microphone and let me say their thanks.

Tobias: thank you for being amazing and so supportive of our work and thank you for letting us be here tonight. Do you know why we are here?
Gabrielle: not really no, but I am so so like over the moon.
Tobias: Ghost are here tonight, at this Halloween party to celebrate and not only that, we're here to make sure you all have a good time this evening. We know that you were dying to meet us and how often you go on about wanting to have a show up close to here we are. You have some very lovely friends who really appreciate you.
Gabrielle: Awh thank you all so so much, I can't even explain how much this means to me. Would you like me to call you Tobias or papa? *I asked whilst chuckling*
Tobias: well if you call me papa then I don't think Colby will be too happy don't you think *chuckling*
Gabrielle: oh your funny. Anyway ON WITH THE SHOW.
Tobias: okay!!
"Here's a song my papa used to sing actually, you might like this one , *clap clap clap clap*"

( and here's the song everyone knows because of YouTube and Tik Tok: Mary On A Cross)

(A/N I won't put the lyrics on for this bc they are very naughty naughty 🥱)

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