chapter 5, arrival

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The journey to our new home was, pretty smooth actually. We had a little detour and stopped off at a gas station on the way, we each got to pick a drink and a snack as the ride was a little longer than expected. Me and Kate had a pleasant conversation, about our new rooms and our new dream experiences here. She kept giving out these really girly screams which was a little annoying- but funny.

The van was awfully quiet. The eery silence needed to be broken. All of a sudden we hear some music coming from the row in front of us. We stuck our heads around the corner and heard Sam singing along to "Take A Look At My Boyfriend, (parody song by Sam Golbach and Katrina Stewart.)"

Honestly I was a little addicted to the song myself as I wished it'd be the song that my boyfriend would sing to me one day.

I couldn't help but bob my head up and down on the drum beats. Kate and I started singing along to it and everyone in the van started singing along, even Corey and Elton. It sounded amazing when we all joined together to sing the line:
"I know im young but if I had to choose her or the sun, id be one nocturnal son of a gun"
Sam turned the radio off. He turned to face me and K.
Sam: Holy guys you girls can really sing! Just wait until we get home, were gonna get you guys into songwriting.
Kate: eeh thats so nice of you and snazzy
Gabs: Aw thanks Sam, also how long left
Sam: Colby?
Colby: yeah we should be 2 mins, I know where we are now. So tell us, what do you guys like as hobbies and traits and stuff?

Jay: well obviously video gaming is amazing, I sleep in a lot, so im a massive bed head. I struggle to get out of bed in the morning and yeah I dislike working out which is why I have a little bit of chub.
Gabs,Kate, Harley: you aren't chubby Jay
Jay: thanks guys but I am and thats the end of it

Colby: its nice to see you guys get along, how about you Harley, what do you like?

Harley: I mean I like sports. Lacrosse is good, all ball sports are good. My favourite has to be cricket. I also like hockey and ice hockey, I also enjoy trying new sports, food and new things in general.
Corey: wow your very athletic then!
Harley: *blushes a bit* I mean.. yeah i guess so...

Sam: Kate how about you now? Lets hear about you then?
Kate: yeah I like drawing on myself alot. I like dying my hair different colours, I like watching and filming Tik toks all day and staying at home really. Im never really in the mood to be moving about all the time so if you ever go out, expect me to not rly want to come-unless its shopping for jeans, jackets or to get food. I love food like who doesnt?
Elton: wow, its good to know im not the only one who likes food a lot.
Kate: cant live without it. Cmon Gabs now its your turn! Slay bestie

Gabs: hey uh. I dont know what to say really.. uhh.. I guess I like photography, I normally get sunset and outdoor pictures and stuff. I love music, singing, dancing and writing it, I love your guys songs. Your all very nice btw. I also have an interest in the super natural and I love horror films. For some reason i dont jump at the scary bits, its when someone turns a light on or opens a window that makes me jump?

Colby: ahaha thats relatable, I jump too. You seem just like me, guess you were a good pick.
Gabs: thanks *smiles*
Kate: awhhh
Gabs: shut up
Kate: soo cute
Colby: Kate..
Kate: oops I'll be quiet now
Gabs: thanks Colby

Gabs: I think we should all exchange phone numbers yk so we can text each other.
Sam: Yeah also how old are you guys 
Corey:oh Yeah we never asked

Jay: yeh we might as well just all introduce ourselves again. Hey im Jay, im 11 and im a Leo ♌️
Harley: Harley, im 13 and im an Aquarius ♒️
Kate:yeah im Kate, im 15 and im a Cancer ♋️
Gabs: and finally im Gabs, im 16 and im an Aries ♈️

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