Chapter 1

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Espresso was in his home. Again. He hardly ever left his cozy home other than to go to the library or to gather ingredients for his research. His life in the kingdom has been pretty much the same, and he was satisfied most of the time. But today.. he was feeling something different. He had an empty hole in his stomach that bothered his mind and caused a slight explosion when he was conducting another experiment. He sighed in frustration and went to his coffee machine, pouring himself some black coffee to distract himself and make him more alert.

Hmm, maybe it was time to take a break his mind whispered.

He quickly shook his head at that thought. What nonsense! Espresso quickly finished off the coffee and went back to his research but found his mind wandering yet again. Espresso sighed the 40th time of the day. He got up from his desk and shuffled to the door to the outside. 

Espresso opened his door and stepped out into the sun. He had to blink several times until he adjusted to the bright sunlight. He pondered on what he should do until finally deciding to take a walk in the woods.

As he walked, he thought of what he was missing in his life. At first he thought of success, but then he thought of people who cared for him. When he was walking in the market square for the first time in a while (since he usually buys his materials somewhere special and eats little), he looked around and saw cookies of all ages and sizes. They were laughing, talking, playing, eating, all together. Sure there were some cookies by themselves on their phones and reading, but they all looked so happy and peaceful. Espresso realized he hadn't talked to many people in a while other than to buy something. Yes, he was missing it, but at the same time he wasn't the best at socializing. He liked to spend his time alone in his lab working.

Soon he stumbled upon a cookie in the clearing of the forest. He had long maroon and red hair and a black and blue heterochromatic eyes. He also wore white pants, black shoes, and a red shirt with fluffy sleeves. The most noticeable feature he had was his cake arm, making him possibly the only half cake cookie half cake on Earthbread. He was training a tiny cake monster who yapped happily. 

Not only that, he was pretty sure that that cookie was part of the cookies of darkness, although a new recruit who wouldn't recognize him. He himself was an ex-cookie of darkness, but he still talks to them except for Pomegranate and Dark Enchantress since they were hostile to everyone who wasn't with them, especially him and any ex-cookies of darkness, which is still just him. Espresso cautiously approached the cookie, still keeping a short distance away just in case he attacks.

"How impressive," Espresso remarked and the cookie looked up startled.

The cake monster immidiately reacted and knelt down on its hind legs, growling defensively at Espresso who looked unaffected.

The cookie gently patted the cake monster on its back and murmured soothingly, "shh, Chiffon, it's ok boy."

Then the cookie looked up and exclaimed, "Oh! It's you again. We met at the market square yesterday."

Shit, he remembered? Espresso also recalled the incident. Yesterday when he was shopping for supplies for how to improve coffee magic, he accidentally bumped into a cloaked figure. It caused both of them to crash into the ground, and he caught a glimpse of what he looked like under the hood. It was also quiet embarrassing, and he just mumbled a quick apology and dashed out of there without asking if the cookie was ok.

"Uh... right," Espresso mumbled, "What was your name again?"

"It's Red velvet, and yours?" Red velvet asked.


"Nice, want to chat a bit?"

Espresso thought for a second, debating on weather he should. He could since he wouldn't be able to focus on his work anyways, and this cookie actually seems interesting. Plus, he was feeling a tad bit lonely a few minutes ago.

"Sure," Espresso replied, and then he walked towards Red velvet.

They both awkwardly stood around each other until Red velvet broke the silence and asked, "Sooo, what do you want to talk about?"

"Oh uhm," Espresso said, "Mind if I ask about your cake monster? It seems very intelligent."

"Really?!" Red velvet's face lit up and he exclaimed, "Many cookies think they're monsters who have no brains and deserves no love, but they're actually amazing and in my opinion, equals!"

Well they are called cake monsters, and they injure and destroy cookies... Espresso thought, but they don't deserve hate just for being cakes. 

"His name is Chiffon, his my best bud. I've trained him many tricks already and right now I'm trying to teach it how to do a back flip," He said smiling but then he frowned a tiny bit, "I don't know how to help him though, I tried everything.. but I'm sure he'll learn soon!"

Espresso tapped his chin wondering what could help the cake monster, and then suggested, "Perhaps you could demonstrate for him?"

"I already tried.. but he has trouble completing the flip," Red velvet said, "maybe I should let him take a break."

Espresso didn't know what to say to this. Red velvet seemed friendly, smart, and could become a good friend, but he didn't want to do something wrong and scare him away.

What's the right thing to do? Espresso thought nervously. Well, I probably should comfort him, but I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable. If I just stand here seeing him be sad, that would be rude of me. 

This was exactly why he didn't socialize, he didn't want to slip-up, or be in the center of attention.. so much pressure goddamnit. Why the fuck do so many cookie's try so hard for attention?

Espresso decided slowly moved closer and patted Red velvet on the back and said calmly, "It's alright, it takes time to learn. Everyone learns at their own speed."

"Thanks..." Red Velvet said then asked, "would you like me to show you some tricks?"

Espresso nodded and sat down on his knees. Red velvet then motioned Chiffon to come and sit as well. That was how Espresso spent the rest of the afternoon, laughing and chatting with a cookie he just met. Even though he started off nervous, he gradually warmed up. He liked how he wasn't boastful and how he liked treating him and the cake monster equally. He also enjoyed having someone else company, even if it was a cookie of darkness. 

It was weird, he hadn't cracked a genuine smiled in so long if it wasn't for a succesful experiment. 

The two cookies had both agreed to meet again the next morning at 11 for lunch, and Espresso also said he would bring something for him. It was like he finally made a friend, and he was accepted for who he was. 

When Espresso arrived home, he took another shot of espresso and decided to actually sleep that night for more than and hour. So that night he slept at 4 am and woke up at 7a,. A new day has started.. one with his first friend since forever...


Word count: 1212

SO SORRY IF THAT WAS SHORT. I didn't know when to end it off, and I'm sorry if there wasn't much action. Also I started this during vacation, so probably not the best timing to do it lol -v-

- Crimson

Written: 07/07/22
Edited: 02/14/23

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