Chapter 24

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Espresso's Pov

"Oh my god. JUST FUCKING EAT ALREADY!" Red Velvet yelled, trying to force a spoon of macaroni into my mouth while holding me down.

I tightly held my mouth shut while weakly struggling. He finally managed to shove it in after climbing on top of me while holding me down with his legs, pinching my nose shut, before stuffing the spoon in the second I gasped for air. I almost gagged as the spoon poked the roof of my mouth sharply. The cold macaroni felt slimy and unappetizing. If they wanted me to eat, couldn't they have at least made the meals good?

I kicked Red Velvet in the stomach forcing him off and I spat the macaroni into the trashcan by the foot of his bed.

"I give up!" Red Velvet growled, clutching his stomach.

I smiled a little bit in my mind, but my mini victory did not last long. Red Velvet glared at me and whipped out some gray remote.

"You wanna know what this is?" Red Velvet jeered, "A remote to that shock collar you're wearing. That's what it is."

My eyes widened in shock.. shock collar? I thought the collar on my neck only cancelled out my power! 

"Huh, I wonder what happens if I click this?" Red Velvet asked to no one in particular.

He was taunting me, but whatever the case he can't press that. Shock collars hurt. I knew this from when I used to be in the Cookie's of Darkness and I really crossed the boundaries.

"No!" I yelped, lunging for the remote. 

Red Velvet gave me a cruel, bemused smile, and held it out of my reach the second I moved. My weak body failed me, and I had no magic. I hadn't even gotten off his bed when I realized his thumb was just above the red button.

"Oops," Red Velvet said and pressed down.

Pain seared through me, frying my brain, causing my muscles to feel an aching, and making me feel like I was dying. I heard a scream, my scream, and my black spots dotted my vision.. but not enough to make me faint. A moment later I found myself on my knees with my hands on my head. Soon, the pain slowly subdued, but I was still panting and shaking violently.

I looked up and saw Red Velvet walk to me, and I whimpered, flinching back. Red Velvet tsked then sat besides me.

"Well, are you gonna eat now" Red Velvet asked with iritation.

This was absolute torture, but at the same time if I eat, I live, meaning I can just get tortured longer as well. I don't know what to do anymore, so I'll deny it until I do.

"Never," I croaked out and Red Velvet's face twisted in fury.

"Do I seriously need to shock you again?" Red Velvet said with venom.

He reached for the remote in his pocket, but before he could, a small voice piped up from the door, "R-red Velvet, we need back-up!"

"What?" Red Velvet asked incredulously to Poisonous Mushroom, "Why?!"

"Nine cookies are attacking us, four in the cake tower, and five dangerously close to the castle," another voice, Licorice, said, "So hurry up."

"Shut up mop hair," Red Velvet snapped, "I'm coming."

Licorice and Poisonous Mushroom scurried out, with Red Velvet behind. Before exiting, Red Velvet tossed me a look.

"You better behave," Red Velvet snarled, then slammed the door.

I was left alone.. alone.. with my useless self. 

I won't eat. I don't care if I starve, or be tortured, or whatever. If I cooperate it means I'll be through hell longer, and they can use me to hurt more people. Screw this evil Red Velvet. Where is Madeleine? I thought he would've come on save me. I stared up to the ceiling with lifeless eyes, all my energy gone. 

Hours, and who knows how long later, I heard the door flung open. I lazily looked up expecting just Red Velvet, or someone to come save me, but I was wrong.

Over his shoulders.. was Madeleine unconscious. 


Red Velvet's Pov

I hate this, why did my mother have to be Dark Enchantress? I sat in complete darkness, but if I stared hard enough, I could see what my hands were doing, what was going on outside. The pain I was causing. But they weren't my hands, the person doing things out there wasn't me.

I don't know anymore.

I don't want to hurt Espresso, force him to eat. I don't want him to cry. I may no longer love him, but I still cared.

Pomegranate didn't love this new me either. I see her trying, fake smiling when we are alone, trying not to look affected.. but I know she's hurting. I know she's breaking and crying on the inside. 

I don't want to, but I watch her and hear my own voice telling her to stop smiling because it was foolish. Saying I was too busy to spend time with her.

But Pomegranate helped Dark Enchantress. She was the one who helped enchant a spell onto me. Why? I felt tears slowly bubble into the corners of my eyes. Pomegranate wouldn't do this, she loved me. She was loyal to Dark Enchantress, and was jealous of Pastry cookie, but she loved me. 

"You're crying again?"

"Let me go!" I hollered into the darkness. the emptiness.

"Hah! You wish." An evil voice cackled and a reflection of me crystallized in front of me. 

I clenched my teeth at my reflection, who simply smirked menacingly. Him. He was was who they were actually seeing. My evil reflection. I clenched my cake hand and punched him.. or where he used to be.

"Too bad," his voice echoed around me, "I'll be nice and make you extra.. touchy to Espresso instead. Hm? That'll make things even more interesting. It'll make that Paladin jealous. Ha!"

"No!" I cried, but silence greeted me.

I fell to my knees and dug my hands into my legs. I watched in horror as my body sacked an unconscious Madeleine. Oh no. Espresso's hope, and heart, is going to be shattered. No. 

"Stop!" I screamed, "Let Madeleine go!" 

"Nah, I rather make Madeleine jealous and toy with Espresso some more," The voice taunted.

"But what about Pomegranate?"

"Who cares? She did this anyways, aren't you angry?"

"She still doesn't deserve this!"

"Shut up."

I clamped my mouth shut, knowing I wouldn't win this argument. 

I felt like I wasted my life. I joined the Cookies of Darkness officially after Espresso had left, and I never questioned it. Now.. I feel like I was just a pawn in my mother- no, Dark Enchantress's game. 

I'm sorry Pomegranate, Espresso, Madeleine. I'm sorry Chiffon as well. 

I wish this nightmare could just end. 


Word count: 1101

I'm sorry for not uploading much, but I hope you liked this chapter. I'll be uploading once every two weeks, until X-Mas. Then I'll probably upload once a week until school starts (cuz winter break) and then I'll go back to either one week or two. Sorry again. 

I hope you have a good day/night, and stay safe :D

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