Chapter 8

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Espresso's pov

The lady - Latte - stood in front of me and smiled. 

Hmmm, Latte.. where have I heard that name before? I thought. Ah right. She's a professor at Parfaedia Institute school for magic and Witchcraft.

"Why hello there professor," I greeted her, "What do you need? I'm in a bit of a.. hurry"

Secretly, I meant 'what do you want? I'm not in the mood for useless conversations and I wish to work so leave me alone.'

Clearly she didn't take the hint and instead said, "Oh? Well I needed help on this spell for one of my students. I thought you could help me today.. but if you're busy today, what about tomorrow?"

"Well- I- You see," I stammered trying to think of an excuse, "I'm quite a busy person and I have several works and experiments to complete and conduct."

She looked at me up and down then raised an eyebrow as if she was debating on if I was lying or not. I shuffled towards the door to my house while awkwardly laughing. There was no doubt if I could win in a duel with her, but she was a teacher. She's probably going to get real convincing, and maybe actually be fierce underneath her sweet cover.

"Excuse me?"she asked politely politely, "I'm sure you can squeeze in a couple minutes."

"I really can't-" I started.

"I'll treat you to coffee~"She grinned, "Plus, maybe you would land a job in this school! I heard you were impressive at magic and the school pays well."

I thought to myself about her offer. I wouldn't mind having some coffee, and hopefully it wasn't that crappy kind that was too sweet or creamy. A job may do me some good to earn some money for my equipment and gain more cookie trust. Trust.... 


"Wait," I suddenly interrupted her and she placed her hands on her hips, "Won't your student get scared? And what should I even prepare."

"Oh my witches-" Latte said, rolling her eyes, "I just need you to answer one of my best most curious student's question. She was really ecstatic when I mentioned I would bring you along to help her."

"Really?" I asked confused, "Does she even know th-"

"That you used to be part of the cookie's of darkness?" she said, finishing my sentence for me, "She does. Now hop on! You're just gonna coop up in your home otherwise."

"Wait a second, what?" I exclaimed just as she grabbed my hand and pulled out a gigantic spoon from behind her. 

When she grabbed my hand.. I could've sworn I felt an electric shock go through me. As if I found a long lost soulmate. I hope not. She was, fine I admit, pretty, but she wasn't my type. Latte also likes milky coffee, which was.. how horrible. How could she ruin such a perfect cup of coffee like that? 

As for a long lost sister, I don't have any family members alive that I recall of. I've been with a Dark enchantress the moment I started remembering things... but why does it feel like I've met with her before though?

"Hold on!" She yelled out of nowhere, breaking my thoughts. 

She pulled me behind her and onto her large spoon which had began to sparkle. She tapped it gently and instantly it shot up above the ground. 

"AHHHHHHHH!" I screeched terrified, shutting my eyes and grabbing her waist, "I WANNA LIVE EVEN IF MY LIFE IS SHIT!!!!"

"Oh jeez, you remind me of when I was trying this the first time," Latte laughed.

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