Chapter 26

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Espresso's Pov

I hate my life. Well, I already hated it before, but I despise it now that I had cookies I actually cared for.

Well, at least I no longer am hungry. Now, I just felt sick. Perhaps due to the fact that I was forced to consume almost a quarter of a box of chocolate chip cookies and a bowl of slimy cold macaroni. Not to mention, sitting on my once-almost-to-be-boyfriend-who-took-my-first-kiss and-is-controlled-my-something-evil while my annoyling-loud-but-maybe-my-crush lay unconious on the floor infront of me.

I didn't dare try telling Red Velvet to stop though, in fear of what could happen. 

"Look at me," Red Velvet suddenly commanded me as I finished my 7th - no 8th - cookie.

I did as I was told and he said, "You are full, aren't you? We can do something else now."

I nodded my head rapidly. Any more of this sweet-crap and I'll puke. He stared at me and I nervously looked back at  him. I couldn't look into his tainted eyes, so I stared below.. at his lips. I immidiantely looked away and to behind him. Out of nowhere, he cracked a grin, which should have relieved me, but it only scared me instead.

"You are so pathetically cute when you're scared," Red Velvet chuckled, lightly brushing my face with his hand.

I shivered at his touch, questioning what he was doing at the same time. Out of no where, he pushed me onto my back. Instantly he was ontop of me, some strands of his red and black hair falling besides me.

"Let's see if we can last longer than last time baby," He purred seducively. 

[A bit of lemon coming up]

I was frozen in shock as he used his cake arm to snake around my head and prop it up. Fuck. It is one thing to see Caramal Arrow like this, but doing it is not the same-

No'ones Pov

Red Velvet crashed his lips onto Espresso's, kissing him harshly like he can't get enough. Espresso whimpered as Red Velvet pushed Espresso's head closer, deepening the kiss. This kiss did not taste sweet, it tastes raw, corrupt, and painful in a bad way. Red Velvet sank his teeth into Espresso's lips, hard enough to draw blood. 

Red Velvet sat up abruptly, placing his other hand on Espresso's back, slipping it under the scratched and loosened shirt. Red Velvet edged them back until Espresso was pushed in between him and the bed board. 

Espresso gasped for air as Red Velvet kissed his jaw roughly, kissing and nipping his neck until Red Velvet found Espresso's soft spot. Red Velvet nipped and bit at that spot until Espresso could no longer hide his moans and had started to attempt to squirm from under him.

[Lemon's over]

Pomegranate's Pov

I ran out of Red Velvet's room with more expression than I have had in years. Tears stained my eyes and streaked down my face, onto my clothing and Madeleine's body, as I ran ungracefully out of there.

They never even noticed my entrance since they were too busy making out. Why? WHY DID I EVER TRUST DARK ENCHANTRESS?! I don't care about her great vision anymore. It's not worth it. Cookie's are dying everywhere and she is sick enough to control her son like he is just a mere chess peice that will help win her sick game. My heart has never felt so shattered. Not even when I destroyed my home villaige, have I felt this way. Or betrayed my first friend, even if it was for my own advantage. The last time I cried was when Espresso left us, and Dark Enchantress yelled at me at how I was a failure. Foolish me. 

I dropped Madeleine down onto my bedroom's floor. I understand why Espresso and Dark Choco left now. I hope Dark Enchantress will finally be defeated so that I and Red Velvt may be freed. But first, I need to rid the monster I created. For that, I need light mgagic, and Madeleine has that. Why is no one rescueing them though?

No'ones Pov with Espresso

Espresso had passed out from the shock and pain. Red Velvet tried stripping Espresso completely, but Espresso started kicking crazily and as hard as he could, kicking Red Velvet in the stomach.

Red Velvet activated the shock collar on too high and for too long, causing Espresso to faint. Red Velvet cursed under his breath, and without noticing Madeleine's dissapearence, he left to get some food and water for when Espresso wakes..

With Latte and the others

"Where did the castle and tower go?!" Latte shrieked, quickly rushing to Pure Vanilla and the others the second everyone got off her spoon safely.

"It seems like they concealed it with magic," Pure Vanilla explained.

"What will we do then?!" Latte yelled in panic.

"We believe that these rats would do something like this, but we came prepared!" Dark Cacoa announced, "My son, Dark Choco, knows how to reverse this!"

"Father, I told you I silll need some help, and I'm not 100% this will work," Dark Choco added.

"I believe in you my prince!" Caramel Arrow encouraged.

Suddenly, a voice was heard from the trees. Clotted Cream motioned the rest of the cookies to follow him to the source of the sound. They reached a clearing where they found Doppia shouting a string of curses and screaming at the top of her lungs.


All the cookies eyes widened. Him. Instantly, their minds ticked and they all knew who him was. It had to be either Espresso or Madeleine. Judging by the time Espresso was kidnapped, and how Madeleine was in front of them when kidnapped by a cookies of darkness member, Doppia kidnapped her own son. 

Before anyone could stop her, Latte burst from the trees and into the clearing. Doppia stumbled back in shock as Latte glowered at her furious.

"L-lat-t-" Doppia stutterd, but was cut off by Latte.

"What did you just say, Mother?"


Word count: 1023

Happy early new years! I thought since it was winter break I'd post more, buuuut sadly no. My piano has increaced yet another half an hours, and my chromebook broke down before christmas (I have a new one now), and there are just random parties and meet-ups with friends that was randomly planned by my parents. 

Still, happy new year!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, have a good day/night!

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