Chapter 30

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No'ones Pov

They were falling, and time seemed to have slowed. Debris and blocks fell from everywhere around them. They were falling to their deaths as they held onto eachothers hands.

"I'm sorry!" Pomegranate said, feeling upset that her love was about to die, "This was my plan, my plan to stop her!"

"Don't say that," Red Velvet smiled sadly, "We planned this together after all. At least we'll leave this world together. Chiffon will have a better caretaker."

"Stop making this sound like it isn't as bad as it is!" Pomegranate cried, "You should've gotten a happy endi-"

"Pomegranate, I'll love you forever, as much as I love Chiffon and more than I have loved any other cookie," Red Velvet laughed widely but tears quickly collected from the corner of his eyes before whipping up into the air again and again.

Pomegranate's breathing hitched and she started tearing up. Her chest hurt so much, she could barely function. 

"Don't cry," Red Velvet said, wiping one if her tears away, "You know how much I hate it when I see you sad."

Pomegranate gently opened her teary red eyes. She felt like she didn't deserve so much of his love and faith. She should've done something more to prevent them from dying from a blow their ex-master and adopted mother. Her emotions were a wreck, but she loved smiling if it meant Red Velvet will smile. She didn't want to cry, she concealed her emotions even more than Espresso and the other cookies of darkness. But things have changed so.. so she weakly put up a smile, just for Red Velvet's sake.

Red Velvet didn't regret asking her to smile one bit. He was worried as heck on who would care for Chiffon but this may be the last time he sees Pomegranate.. so he wanted to see her smile once more. One last smile before he can't feel her cold but warm presence, her beautiful pomegranate smell, and see her pretty face.

"Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" Red Velvet murmured.

Pomegranate let out a short giggle, "Yeah, you have. Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

"You did," Red Velvet chuckled, "And I love you too."

"I love you even more," Pomegranate said giving a teary smile.

Pomegranate brought herself closer to Red Velvet hugging him and burying her face into his chest. Red Velvet embraced her as well, breathing her unqieu smile. Pomegranate pulled him in, kissing him lightly as they fell..

                                          ...and crashed to the floor, breaking their bones and skin as not even Pomegranate's mirror could prevent their pain. Her mirror could only keep them alive.. barely..

                                                                                              ...when what seemed like a miracle happened..

                                                       ...the glass Espresso have them before broke open.

With the Kingdom

"Hellllp," A group of young cookies cried in distress, "Someone! Please!"

Strawberry and Wizard arrived just as they saw a group of Cake Hounds slowly stalk forward to the younger cookies.

"H-hey! That's not nice!" Strawberry stuttered.

She quickly used her giant lollipop to knock the cake monsters out cold. Then Wizard casted a lightninh spell which zapped and offed the cake hounds with a blue flash.

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