Chapter 32

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White Lily's Pov

Black. That was what everything was. I felt everything was in despair now. Hopelessness. Dark Enchantress won't win as long as I don't give her control, but she'll only be cast into a never-ending coma with me. Stuck in my mind. I'm fine with that, I don't care, but what I couldn't stand was the fact that I rewcked Pure Vanilla's future.

"Are you happy now, White Lily?" Voices and jeers of Dark Enchantress echoed around me, laughing and bouncing off nothing.

My tongue was thick and I couldn't speak. I couldn't say anything against those monsters in my head she cast.. or did I do it? All these monsters and my mind have become my reailty. I was trapped inside it and it seemed like there was no way out. At least there was no more mirrors. I can't stand to see my weak self... and I couldn't see Pure Vanilla, which reminded me of how much I failed us which I wanted  to see but didn't at the same time. I couldn't see someone I've wanted to stay together forever with.

Was everything hopeless?

Dark Enchantress was right. There will always be darkness. I'm too weak to fight it.

I could feel myself drifting away.. losing consious in my mind..

"You're right, but we won't just give up Dark Enchantress!" Pure Vanilla yelled from besides me yet sounding so far away.

What is he talking about? I thought bleekly.

Seems like Dark Enchantress thought the same and she called out, "Oh? What makes you say that? You make me curious."

Pure Vanilla said, "This is how I feel and remember about White Lily.. about us."

Suddenly I felt a different world surround me. Dark blue everywhere, but not any plain blue. Blue ranging from icy snowflakes in the Dark Cacoa kingdom to the deepest sea where the pearl is held, mixed in with shades of purple and flecks of black and forest green. We were floating in a night sky that would look breath-taking to anyone.. and yet.. it felt incomplete... but why?

"How- did you do that?" Dark Enchantress sputtered, "You know what? I don't care! What's a picture of the goddamn sky gonna do?"

"Reading," I breathed in realization as the memory hit me, "In our academy's secret reading spot, wearing our robes, reading our favorite books under the moonlight."

"What?" Dark Enchantress snapped.

I looked down and smiled as the ground below us painted itself and materialized. Two cookies in academy uniforms were laughing as they poured over their favorite book under the moonlight. Us, me and Pure Vanilla. 

"So?" Dark Enchantress quivered, "Who cares? It doesn't matter!"

"Dark Enchantress, you're right. There will always be darkness, but without the light, it cannot exist!" Pure Vanilla said, "And that is why, we won't give up!"

The images below and around us quickly started fading into more and more memories of me, my friends, and us. Memories, memories, memories, flashing before us. With each memory, I felt a bit of light flickering on inside me, igniting my hopes.

"I won't give up either! Nor will he! He's right, we won't give up!" I yelled, as new determination I haven't had before started filling me, "In a world of light, there will always be darkness, but that's alright! Because we will always try again and again and again! Over and over!"

"No! You don't know what you're saying!" Dark Enchantress burst, a hint of worry in her voice.

"We do know, and we both will never give up! We'll do it for every cookies, young and old. We'll do it so they can see a bright future! We know there is darkness everywhere, existing in anyone's heart, but we will do everything to make the world a better place as much as we can anyways!" Me and Pure Vanilla declared at the same time..

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